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[Opinions] Names from a dream: Valentine, Millicent...
Last night I dreamt that of an aristocrat called Valentine Ambrose who hailed from one of the richest and most respected families in England.To his horror, he found that everyone was slowly forgetting about his existence and that of his family. All mentions of him disappeared from newspapers and Who's Who's.The first person who forgot about him was an old family friend who had known him since he was a little boy, but he chalked it up to dementia. Her name was Millicent Lovelace.What do you think of these names? Comment on them please :)1. Valentine
2. Ambrose *
3. Millicent
4. Lovelace ** those were surnames, but comment on them as first names too

masculine list:
feminine list:


Wow, these are stunning names!Lovelace is not a first name.
They seem to go together pretty well. Please, if at all possible, don't include any moving icons etc on your posts. They can trigger migraines. Thank you!
I love Valentine, Ambrose, and Millicent! Lovelace is a very dramatic, evocative surname.