[Opinions] Future Babies - Name them based on my lists - link to lists in signature
Feeling a bit depressed again lately, so I got an appointment and talked to a local psychic (I know not everyone believes in that stuff) about if I will be a mother and have any kids someday like I have been wanting. I did get a few similar readings just online from Etsy like 2 years previously that I posted about, but this is the most current one from earlier today. She said I will have at least one child, a daughter, and to a lesser extent I may have 1 to 2 more, depending how I am feeling and if my partner and I are up for it. Pick what you think they should / would be called based on the descriptions and my PNL. The first one:
golden brown hair, brown eyes, family oriented, Virgo personality. More science- minded than me or her future father. Likes things to be organized, might be ASD like me but higher functioning. Had a vision of her with pigtails and a gingham-patterned jumper, and pink sandals in a family vegetable garden when she is three years old. Independent and strong willed. She will be independent, but a "mommy's girl", and know her mom is a safe person to go back to and get support and love from as she grows up. She will want support when she grows up and has her own kids and will live close so I can help raise them. Very chatty. As a little kid, she will have a long and intense "Why" phase that will irritate people to an extend. She will be very talkative throughout her life. She will take forever with decision making, like what flavor of ice cream when she is little and big decisions when she is older. Lively, charismatic. She will want to be a cross country and track runner as a teenager like me and her grandfather were. The second: less likely to exist because I will be drained physically and emotionally after the first's infancy phase is complete. A boy. Wavy hair. Green eyes like me. A helper growing up. Likes to help dad and grandpa with tasks. Sweet, quiet personality. Shy and introverted. Likes soccer over track and cross country like his sister. Cereal is his favorite breakfast. Lined Green sweeter is his favorite top when he is 8 and 9. Square fingers. will like less popular pets like turtles. His best friend will have an unusual, modern name. The third: Least likely to exist because I will be drained physically and emotionally from the first two but is still a possibility in the air. A girl with blonde hair and blue or brown eyes, tan complexion and freckles. Loves soccer, a lot. Headband and ponytail. Ornery. Sometimes getting into fights as a kid. Confident, good at the arts but less at the sciences. Athletic.Please rate my "Names I would Use" list & "Backup Favorites" list. Feel free to rate some of my other lists too if you have the time.

This message was edited 7/26/2024, 11:57 AM


I can understand why you went to see a psychic and I hope they gave you comfort. You write that a child will be exhausting, but I believe a child can give you energy and a purpose too. Years ago I ‘saw’ (daydreamed) a young girl with blond curls walking in my room and I thought she’s my daughter, Daphne/Dafne after my little sister. I hope that will come true. Your first daughter sounds like a Frances Mary
Your son sounds like Willem Joab or Joab Willem
Your second daughter sounds like a Bess, I like the idea of Besselyn or Bess Sadie
Sweet ideas
I’ll have a look on your list and see if any names resonante with me and the what you wrote above. My reply was just my first thoughts.
Diantha Honora, Sebastian Jasper (Bash) and Amaris Jade
Funny you should say that as Amaris is technically a family name
Oof, lovely combos but I can't stand "Bash" 😅🤣 feels too violent
I think you could for sure have a Diana Catherine, I feel like my brain has already decided that is a fact! Maybe because I love patterns and because you're named after two princesses, having a daughter also named for two princesses makes perfect sense to complete the pattern.Lavinia is a name I've loved for a long time though and I will always encourage its use! I love your Henry Jasper combo so I'd pick that for the boy. It's such a sweet gentle name.Diana Catherine
Henry Jasper
Lavinia RoseBeautiful!
💜💖 Thx Chloe, sweet reply
Ingrid Lilian Francesca (I dropped one L but you needn't!)
Adrian John Henry (I mixed and matched; all mine have three names each)
Esme Amélie Florence
1 Daphne Violet OR
Esme Verity.2 Ambrose Raphael OR
Adrian Victor. His friend's unusual and modern name is Jett Yarrow.3 Winifred "Winnie" Mabel OR Ruby Matilda.Hope you feel better soon.

This message was edited 7/26/2024, 1:14 PM

Thank you, it's been finals and grad school is tough. Hoping to get though it with my sanity intact someday 🫠