[Opinions] Some Unusual Name Encounters
Have you ever met a person with an unusual name combination (first & last names OR even first & middle names)? If not, have you ever seen an unusual name on the Internet or heard of one in your life travels?When I was in grade school, there was a geeky and odd looking boy in my class who was teased constantly because of his name: Percy Peacock. I used to know a young woman in my old neighborhood who had a sister named Patience Esther.One of my former work colleagues had the name of Lori Longbottom. Thankfully, it was her married name so she didn't have to grow up with it.While scrolling on Instagram, I happened to stumble upon the name of author Polly Babbington. The name sounded VERY British to me and after a Google search I found out that - yep, she was born in England.

This message was edited 7/27/2024, 10:48 AM


I knew a Will Grant (I will grant...), Gage True (I gage true...), and Wynn Wright (I win right...), as well as a Savannah Hannah, a Liam Loveless, an Ily Anne Lief (I. A. Lief), and an Emma Li. There have been more, but that's all I can remember for now.
On my shelf, waiting to be read, is a biography of Marie Antoinette entitled To The Scaffold. Author's name is Carolly Erickson. Never seen that before.And, I've just finished reading a huge biography of Charles Dickens, by Peter Ackroyd. He had lots of children and lots of domestic pets: at one time there were two dogs named Turk and Linda. That's a strange combination: unfortunately we don't know what they looked like.
There was a kid in town growing up named Jacob Jacobs.
I find these a bit amusing:First and last: My’Angel Lane, Jesse James, Memphis Budge, Payton Carr (sounds like painting car, but to be fair, his stepfather adopted him, so that wasn’t the original last name), Patty Pitts (married name), Summer Roots (married name), Rusty Koetz (pronounced coats), DustinDustyMillerFirst and middle: Ivy Layne, Aloha Lhynne (middle name is pronounced lanai), Arayah Dawn, sounds like A ray of dawn, Scarlet Diamond, Summer Faye-Ann makes me think of summer fan
Patience Esther actually strikes me as a very typical African-American name, so I'd only be surprised if that's not their race.
Actually, they were a family of Italian heritage. Patience Esther's sister was called Donna.
That is a strange sibset indeed.
There used to be a student at my school named Major Whiteside, which I always thought sounded like somebody from the Revolutionary War or something. We also had a student named Sally Love, which I think sounds like an old west saloon gal name. We also had a girl named Kelly Green. She had a brother. I don’t recall his name but I was shocked it was wasn’t something like Forrest or Hunter. Also one time while going through some files, there was a student many years (like 20 or so years) named Devine Nation (first name, middle name). From what I could gather in his file he went by Nation. Someone I went to college with had the last name White. Her sister’s middle name was Snow so it was something like Jennifer Snow White (I don’t remember the first name but it was average sounding).Somebody I used to work with said her grandma’s maiden name was Ruby Stone.

This message was edited 7/27/2024, 3:53 PM

In my sisters year at school there was a boy called Leslie Leslie and my husband delivered to a man called Donald Duck. A person I have met on a genealogy site had friends called Peter and Hazel Nutt so he was Mr P. Nutt.Also I knew a Skye Walker and a Paige Turner.
Sandy butt
Iona ramsbottom
I knew an Olly Oliver once, his daughter was called Molly Oliver.