[Opinions] Bohdan
Met a young person with she/her pronouns named Bohdan today. The name has origins I did not expect! Also I first misheard her name to be "Bowen". What do you think of Bohdan (and Bowen)?


Bohdan is fine if you are Slavic.
I don’t care for Bowen. Owen is a good name.
I don't like Bohdan at all, it has such a strange look. I prefer Bogdan/Bogdana. As for Bowen, I don't like it either, seems very bland and artificial. Bowie is fine, though.
Don't really like either
I prefer Bogdan/Bogdana but would be delighted to meet a Bohdan.
Bodhan and Bowen are both good names to me.
I prefer Bohdan over Bowen, but neither are really my style.