[Opinions] Aelfric & Leofric
Loving these Anglo Saxon names at the moment. I think Leofric would be an interesting and unexpected way of getting Leo as a nickname. I loved Aelfric for 25 years plus. Ever since I first heard it in the tv series Cadfael which is about a sleuthing monk and is set in the 12th century during the often forgotten civil war between King Stephen and his cousin Empress Matilda (Maud). Matilda’s father was King Henry 1 and Matilda his only surviving child. Cousin Stephen decided women should not be allowed to rule and Matilda disagreed. WDYT of Aelfric and Leofric?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


They're very dapper!
I like both of them, they're quite nerdy and fun. Cadfael is one I adore.
Love them both, but probably not in today's world.
I like both. Leofric is more water and Aelfric more earth. But honestly of all the names you mentioned I like Cadfael more--I checked out the series from my library a few months back and enjoyed it.
So like either, prefer Leo
Really fanciful. I like that Aelfric has a connection to Oberon, etymologically speaking.