[Opinions] Saxon
Saxon is given on the site as a masculine name but I have also seen it on a girl. WDYT of Saxon and do you see it as a masculine, feminine or unisex name?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I don't like this name. Makes me think of Anglo-Saxon
I know a Saxon! (English, male) The name suits him perfectly. He is slightly arrogant, very smart and has a dark sense of humour. But he’s the good kind.
I can see the appeal - it's a lot like the appeal of Mason, Chase, Dawson, Payton, Maxwell, Landon. 00s vintage trendy.
Also like Kingston or Brooks or Sawyer or Ashton. Sexless and brand-namey, and I think I would find it a little hard to get used to calling someone it.
I dislike the sound ... it's the S and X together, maybe? Too much like "sex." I get a similar "too sexy for my shirt" vibe from Saskia and Alexis.
Elon Musk named a son Saxon, and that seems likely.
Also Saxon vaguely evokes a sort of German-ish image like, ultra-well-made status-objects and perfectly proportioned angular faces.
In the abstract it seems sort of appealing, but IRL, I think it kinda comes off as just another surname name that seems chosen because it's sexless and quasi-posh. I mean, those are fine. I just don't like the sound of Saxon very much.

This message was edited 7/29/2024, 11:16 AM

Not a fan... When I was little I did 'Saxon Math' and that's all I can think of. I love math, find it super fun and cool, and am even getting a degree in it, but Saxon Math was not fun or cool at all. Saxon does not sound pleasant to me and I don't think I can imagine it on a person. If it was, I probably see it as masculine, but I wouldn't be surprised (or offended) if it was unisex.
It's the name of the police dog in Hot Fuzz, so it feels like a dog name to me, not human enough to be masculine or feminine, really! It gives me the heebie jeebies. As Ari mentioned it does have white supremacy vibes to me, although I know they appropriated that history so my prejudice is rather unfair.
Kind of gives me white supremacist vibes. Definitely masculine.
I'm surprised it hasn't charted in the States yet, considering names with a similar style did (say, Jaxon, Colton). It is entirely masculine to me. Saxa, or even better - Saskia, is feminine.
I can't imagine it as a name at all. Except on an actual Saxon, who would then have his/her own name anyway. And apart from that, I'm a proud UCT graduate - University of Cape Town. In its early years, before it became autonomous, it was the South African College, which in its turn had grown out of a boys' school called the South African College School and known as Sacs. And some of the songs that got sung at rugby matches went right back to those distant days: one of them began 'The SAC is the College for me, the best in the country round', and a few rather livelier ones referred to us as the Saxons, often featuring merry puns about sex ... No, not a human name, but good memories!
I like the sound, but I don't like it as a name. It sounds masculine to me.
I went to school with a boy named this. He had a twin sister named Haley and despite being friends with them both, I always felt Saxon got the short end of the stick.
Don't like it and definitely masculine
Agree except I like it, but not to use, just as a character name.