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[Facts] Re: Attn. CKE - Beatrice
Beatrice was launched in Britain by Queen Victoria, who gave it to her youngest daughter and thus, indirectly, to lots of little girls including my grandmother (as a middle name). A number of women in our family were named after my grandmother, sometimes with one of her two names, sometimes with both. Her younger daughter, my mother, was named Beatrice; no mn. Much later - about 20 years ago or a bit less - the British royals revived it for Prince Andrew's daughter. This doesn't seem to have launched it on a revival in England, as that particular branch of the royals isn't taken too seriously, but it is a mild annoyance to me as I named my daughter (now 16) after her late grandmother and very occasionally people assume that I'm some kind of monarchist ... One of Beatrice's classmates is named Gladys, which is about the same vintage; however, she is Congolese and her family speak French, so nothing proves anything.
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