[Opinions] My New Brownies
My brownie (girls 7-10 years old) unit is starting up again in a couple of weeks now that the summer holidays are over. Below are the names of the girls starting this term. WDYT?Lyra
OliveDon’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I love Fiona! Like Amelie and Maya.
I like to feel neutral to all but Agnes. Never liked that. I'm happy to see Amelie over Amelia. Amelia I'm quite tired of. Amelie is more bouncy and rhythmic to me.
It's a good set overall. I love Fiona, Amelie and Agnes, like Lyra, Fern and Olive, dislike Maya and I can't stand Ava.
Aw, so nice to see a little Agnes! I love that name so much. Olive and Fern too! Amelie is sweet as well.
Despite Agnes being in there, this is such a beautiful set of names! My favorites are Fiona, Amelie, and Ava.
Agnes, Olive, and Fern are great!
I like Lyra, Fiona, and Fern the best.
Lyra-Pretty, but I prefer Lydia
Fiona-Wonderful! I love it
Amelie-Lovely, I also like Amelia
Ava-Very nice and pretty, but too popular
Fern-Pretty good
Agnes-Refreshing in a younger age group
Olive-I like it as a nickname for Olivia
A name for every taste.For the vintage lover, there is Agnes (I like the French pronunciation over the English).For those who like nature names, you have Olive, Fern and more subtly Ava (bird/birdlike).You have the French Amelie and the Celtic Fiona. You have old names that sound "modern" with Lyra & Maya.
Lyra, Amelie, Ava, Fern, Agnes, Olive, Fiona i like
my top favourites are Lyra and Ava
I like Fiona and Ava
I would gladly use Fiona. Lyra is very Philip Pullman. Amelie is interesting: is she French? Fern and Olive are too botanical. I've never liked Ava and Maya; how does she pronounce Maya? Interesting to see an Olive instead of an Olivia!
We had Olive’s older sister nearly a decade ago Rose. I think the parents must like slightly old fashioned names.I haven’t met Maya yet but any other girl I’ve had with this name has pronounced it myA.Amelie I would guess at being German from the last name.

This message was edited 8/15/2024, 1:56 PM