[Opinions] Names at a party
My little cousin had his birthday party and these were some interesting names of the children there (all under 10)Buster & Harvey
Ralph & Wilf
Jessi (b)
Vonni (b)
Arlow (g)

This message was edited 8/23/2024, 1:22 AM


Children under 10? Tiberius, Wilf? Well! I appreciate the variety here.
Vonni sounds girly and Arlow comes off more masculine, but once more, I like that things are a bit mized up.
I do like Tobius and Harvey.
I like Tiberius, Ralph, Wilf, Isan and Arlow
Isan is good. I don’t like anything else, sorry…
Isan reminds me of a cat I knew named Ison. The other pets were dogs named Harley and Dave.
My friend is Indonesian and his little brother's name is Isan
Are Tiberius and Tobius related? I doubt it, in view of the sheer oddness of Tobius, but it's quite a coincidence. Jessi looks fem, and Arlow for a girl, or for anyone, is toe-curlingly awful. Isan? I'm reminded, I hope unfairly, of those followers of Hitler who named their offspring Izan. I'd have expected Vonni to be a girl, almost named Yvonne: not sure how it would work for a boy.
I know a female Vonnie! Not sure if it's short for anything.I wonder if Vonni is short for something
Vonni is short for Devon
All I can think of is the German Von; perhaps his ln is von Beethoven or von Bismarck?
I only like Jesse with this spelling for a boy
Harvey is kinda cute, but Buster & Harvey sound like a pair of hound dogs!Tiberius is a guilty pleasure of mine, but probably better suited as a middle name.Did not know Wilf was a thing, turn that W around and you get something unpleasant 😅
Hey, nothing wrong with a milf!