[Games] caf generation #24
DH(80): Daniel, Javier, Jacinto, Alexander, Justin, Kevin / Brennan, Felix, Anselm, Cameron, Emrys, Lawrence (LN: Rasmussen, Collingwood, Gaspari, Burgess, Gouveia, Denman)
DW(79): Diane, Susana, Jazmin, Eden, Miranda, Tina / Elia, Doris, Dorothy, Marina, Emily, Goldie (LN: McKendrick, Voll, Columbo)DS1(55): David, Hartford, Lynn, Alvaro, Leon, Kemuel / Alton, Alessandro, Nicholas, Gardner, Barnett, Asher
DW(56): Lilia, Marianne, Flora, Giovanna, Edie, Agnes / Daisy, Daphne, Carolyn, Winifred, Kit, Morgan (LN: Shulze, Markey, Deforest)DS1(34): Hudson, Reuben, Endimion, Colin, Ezra, Phineas / Keith, Ingo, Jeffrey, Rowen, Jack, Levi
-DW(33): Hayley, Leilani, Fern, Rosalind, Mara, Georgina / Rebecca, Manuela, Sophia, Hadassah, Patricia, Jean (LN: Marini, Griffith, Adams)
–DD(10): Xanthe, Gail, Egypt, Gwen, Irene, Cersei / Hope, Remi, Thalia, Oceane, Sierra, Kay
–DS(9): Joseph, Casey, Phelan, Mason, Callan, Filbert / Bradley, Sergio, Ciel, Harvey, Ethan, Fabian
–DS(7): Finn, Elliot, Bruce, Houston, Maximo, Aston / Mars, Reiden, Ferdinand, Amias, Jakob, Jeremiah
–DD(4): Indie, Carley, Rosie, Riley, Jackie, Mila / Marceline, Itzel, Naomi, Corrine, Grace, MelanieDS2(32, twin): Sebastian, Wesley, Edward, Ameer, Smith, Bellamy / Benjamin, Eithan, Caleb, Arthur, Yosef, Alonso
-DExGf(32): Maria, Elizabeth, Samara, Pomona, Claira, Sally / Caitlyn, Autumn, Michelle, Philippa, Marilyn, Inez (LN: Nicolosi, Pavlovski, Kim) -mother of first child
-DW(34): Lylah, Danielle, Serena, Gloria, Ariana, Bryanna / Callisto, Beverly, Stacey, Kaylyn, London, Poppy (LN: Simonsin, McReynolds, Pfaff)
–DD(9): Oona, Camila, Julia, Mina, Jacquelin, Sylvia / Iris, Plum, Annie, Kenzie, Maeve, Frances
–DD(6): Vanessa, Stella, Blair, Selene, Dorothea, Jade / Kylee, Sawyer, Ginger, Petal, Zoey, Circe
–DD(4): Jessica, Bianca, Addison, Nina, Henrietta, Astrid / Caroline, Estelle, Kaleria, Liberty, Lilith, GalileeDD1(32,twin): Isobelle, Estrella, Eloise, Lily, Angela, Nadine / Asha, Carmen, Artemisia, Rosalyn, Darian, Holly
-DH(45): Hunter, Pascal, William, Porter, Gerard, Dalton / Henry, Weston, Aeson, Gable, Duncan, Poe (LN: Beck, Rowland, McGough)
–DSS(21): Zayne, Baylor, Milton, Harrison, Adam, Mercer / Reese, Prince, Francisco, Herman, Joey, Damir
—DBf(21): Struan, Florian, Inigo, Tucker, Thomas, Jude / Baker, Arnold, Eiden, Isaiah, Stellan Russell (LN: Patil, Parent, Maus)
–DSD(17): Lucienne, Esmeralda, Regina, Alaska, Rosella, Cynthia / Faye, Parker, Gabriella, Leah, Beatriz, Harriet
–DSD(15): Beulah, Dawn, Rorie, Teagan, Amelie, Carlota / Harper, Olesia, Calliope, Leia, Kyra, CelesteDS3(30): Ronald, Wright, Finley, Cooper, Ferris, Colton / Ted, Leo, Orlando, Eduardo, Kyler, Alan
-DW(30): Hillary, Berry, Cecilia, Nyra, Helen, Megan / Krystal, Aurelie, Danika, Elena, Jennifer, Allison (LN: Pickering, Barber, Novak)
–DS(7): Filip, Simon, Luke, Noah, Kashton, Wayne / Reed, Pietro, Booker, Malakai, Royalty, Giovanni
–DD(3): Havilah, Coco, Ruby, Roxanne, Antoinette, Kira / Patty, Eliana, Desirae, Edith, Venus, GarnetDD2(28): Victoria, Janice, Eva, Liane, Mildred, Charley / Audrey, Katrine, Belle, Ash, Rose, Candace
-DF(29): Manuel, Paul, Oskar, Grant, Bailey, Blake / Merle, Hector, Jon, Rory, Penn, Oliverio (LN: Bianco, Waltz, Odell)
–DD(4): Artemis, Lumi, Jada, Faith, Vivien, Blossom / Isla, Chastity, Lena, Nadia, Kiara, Love
–DD(3): Saoirse, Pearl, Hyacinth, Matea, Alana, Lauralie / Diana, Amber, Katherine, Shirley, Bella, Cleo
–DS(exp): Trey, Luis, Jayce, Pax, Nelson, Holden / Hamilton, Donovan, Flint, Camden, Yusuf, GulliverDS4(26): Judson, Rian, Leland, Luther, Landyn, Edgar / Vaughn, Kenyon, Theo, Harvey, Andrew, Gordon
-DGf(25): Joy, Liza, Keturah, Donna, Barbara, Elyse / Kayla, Blythe, Becky, Brenda, Betty, Sylvie (LN: Rapp, Geisler, Zeman)
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett, Rolando, Colby, Paris, Ambrose, Rhodes / Gavriel, Scott, Lee, Stephen, Ellis, Case -&- Linda, Alyssa, Coraline, Columbia, Rosa, Carol / Carol, Camille, Evelyn, Embry, Patience, Madeleinemy name lists:
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dh 80 : alexander lawrence denman
dw 79 : eden emily (mckendrick) denmands1 55 : leon nicholas denmanalex and eden w/ leona --
ds1 55 : leon nicholas denman
dw 56 : flora daisy (markey) denmands 34 : hudson jack denman
- dw 33 : mara sophia (adams) denman
- dd 10 : xanthe oceane denman
- ds 9 : mason bradley denman
- ds 7 : elliot jakob denman
- dd 4 : rosie grace denman
hudson and mara w/ xanthe, mason, elliot and rosie ds 32 : sebastian arthur denman
- dexgf 32 : elizabeth autumn nicolo
- dd 9 : camila maeve denman
seb and betty w/ camila
- dw 34 : serena poppy (mcreynolds) denman
- dd 6 : selene zoey denman
- dd 4 : nina estelle denman
seb and serena w/ selene and nina dd 32 : lily rosalyn (denman) beck
- dh 45 : william henry beck
- dss 21 : adam reese beck
-- dbf 21 : jude isaiah patil
adam w/ boyfriend jude
- dsd 17 : rosella gabriella beck
- dsd 15 : amelie kyra beck
lily and will w/ adam, rosie and amelie ds 30 : finley leo denman
- dw 30 : cecilia elena (novak) denman
- ds 7 : noah reed denman
- dd 3 : kira edith denman
finley and cecilia w/ noah and kira dd 28 : eva belle denman
- dfiance 29 : bailey rory odell
- dd 4 : lumi nadia odell
- dd 3 : saoirse bella odell
- ds exp : holden donovan odell
eva and bailey w/ lumi, saoirse and exp holdends 26 : rian theo denman
- dgf 25 : elyse betty zeman
- ds & dd nb : paris ellis denman & rosa madeleine denman
rian and elyse w/ paris and rosaleon and flora w/ hudson, seb, lily, finley, eva and rian
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DH(80): Alexander Brennan Burgess
DW(79): Tina Emily Columbo BurgessDS1(55): Leon Asher Burgess___
DS1(55): Leon Asher Burgess
DW(56): Marianne Morgan Deforest BurgessDS1(34): Hudson Rowen Burgess
-DW(33): Fern Patricia Marini Burgess
–DD(10): Irene Thalia Burgess
–DS(9): Callan Harvey Burgess
–DS(7): Aston Amias Burgess
–DD(4): Riley Marceline BurgessDS2(32, twin): Sebastian Arthur Burgess
-DExGf(32): Samara Caitlyn Nicolosi - mother of Mina
-DW(34): Ariana Poppy Simonsin Burgess
–DD(9): Mina Annie Burgess
–DD(6): Dorothea Ginger Burgess
–DD(4): Bianca Galilee BurgessDD1(32,twin): Angela Holly Burgess Rowland
-DH(45): Hunter Weston Rowland
–DSS(21): Harrison Prince Rowland
—DBf(21): Florian Baker Maus
–DSD(17): Rosella Faye Rowland
–DSD(15): Amelie Leia RowlandDS3(30): Cooper Leo Burgess
-DW(30): Hillary Elena Barber Burgess
–DS(7): Simon Giovanni Burgess
–DD(3): Roxanne Eliana BurgessDD2(28): Charley Katrine Burgess
-DF(29): Paul Jon Bianco
–DD(4): Artemis Isla Bianco
–DD(3): Lauralie Diana Bianco
–DS(exp): Holden Hamilton BiancoDS4(26): Edgar Gordon Burgess
-DGf(25): Liza Blythe Zeman
–DS/DD(nb): Paris Case Zeman & Carol Madeleine Zeman
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DH(80): Jacinto Anselm Gouveia
DW(79): Susana Goldie (nee. McKendrick) Gouveia DS1(55): David Alessandro ___
DS1(55): David Alessandro Gouveia
DW(56): Flora Daphne (nee. Deforest) Gouveia*
DS1(34): Phineas Jack Gouveia
-DW(33): Rosalind Jean (nee. Marini) Gouveia –DD(10): Gwen Thalia
–DS(9): Callan Harvey
–DS(7): Finn Amias
–DD(4): Mila Naomi *
DS2(32, twin): Wesley Arthur Gouveia
-DExGf(32): Samara Philippa Kim
-DW(34): Ariana Poppy (nee. Simonson) Gouveia–DD(9): Oona Plum
–DD(6): Dorothea Zoey
–DD(4): Nina Galilee*
DD1(32,twin): Eloise Artemisia Gouveia
-DH(45): Pascal Duncan Rowland –DSS(21): Adam Reese Rowland
-—DBf(21): Inigo Stellan Parent –DSD(17): Lucienne Faye Rowland

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DH(80): Alexander Lawrence Burgess
DW(79): Susana Dorothy (Columbo) BurgessDS1(55): David Alessandro Burgess
DS1(55): David Alessandro Burgess
DW(56): Marianne Daphne (Shulze) BurgessDS1(34): Phineas Jeffrey Burgess
-DW(33): Leilani Manuela (Griffith) Burgess
–DD(10): Xanthe Hope Burgess
–DS(9): Callan Bradley Burgess
–DS(7): Elliot Jeremiah Burgess
–DD(4): Mila Grace BurgessDS2(32, twin): Wesley Benjamin Burgess
-DExGf(32): Samara Autumn Nicolosi
–DD(9): Julia Maeve Burgess
-DW(34): Gloria Beverly (Simonsin) Burgess
–DD(6): Vanessa Ginger Burgess
–DD(4): Bianca Estelle BurgessDD1(32,twin): Nadine Rosalyn (Burgess) Rowland
-DH(45): Pascal Henry Rowland
–DSS(21): Harrison Francisco Rowland
—DBf(21): Jude Isaiah Parent
–DSD(17): Regina Harriet Rowland
–DSD(15): Amelie Harper RowlandDS3(30): Ronald Alan Burgess
-DW(30): Cecilia Allison (Novak) Burgess
–DS(7): Simon Malakai Burgess
–DD(3): Kira Desirae BurgessDD2(28): Victoria Candace (Burgess) Waltz
-DF(29): Grant Hector Waltz
–DD(4): Vivien Isla Waltz
–DD(3): Lauralie Diana Waltz
–DS(exp): Holden Flint WaltzDS4(26): Leland Andrew Burgess
-DGf(25): Elyse Brenda Geisler
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett Stephen Burgess -&- Coraline Camille Burgess
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H: Alexander Laurence 'Alex' Burgess (80)
W: Eden Doris Voll (79)S: David Asher Burgess (55)S: David Asher Burgess (55)
W: Marian Daphne Shulze (56)S: Phineas Rowan Burgess (34)
—W: Mara Jean Adams (33)
—D: Gwendoline Hope 'Gwen' Burgess (10)
—S: Mason Fabian Burgess (9)
—S: Elliott Amias Burgess (7)
—D: Jacqueline Grace 'Jackie' Burgess (4)S: Sebastian Caleb Burgess (32)
—ExGirlfriend: Clara Autumn Pavlovski (32)
—D: Oona Maeve Burgess (9)
—W: Arianna London Pfaff (34)
—D: Jade Petal Burgess (6)
—D: Nina Lilith Burgess (4)D: Angela Darian Burgess (32)
—H: Dalton Gable Beck (45)
—H'sS: Harrison Joseph Beck (21)
——Boyfriend: Jude Russell Parent (21)
—H'sD: Rosella Gabriella 'Ella' Beck (17)
—H'sD: Amelia Harper Beck (15)S: Ferris Theodore Burgess (30)
—W: Cecilia Aurelia Pickering (30)
—S: Noah Reed Burgess (7)
—D: Antoinette Venus 'Annie' Burgess (3)D: Victoria Rose Burgess (28)
—Fiancé: Oscar John O'Dell (29)
—D: Vivianne Isla O'Dell (4)
—D: Alanna Katherine O'Dell (3)
—S: Pax Donovan O'Dell (0)S: Edgar Andrew 'Eddie' Burgess (26)
—Girlfriend: Keturah Brenda Zeman (25)
—S&D: Bennett Ellis Burgess & Coraline Madeline Burgess (0)
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DH(80): Alexander Felix Collingwood
DW(79): Miranda Dorothy McKendrick CollingwoodDS1(55): David Alton Collingwood___
DS1(55): David Alton Collingwood
DW(56): Flora Daphne Shulze CollingwoodDS1(34): Reuben Endimion Levi Collingwood
-DW(33): Mara Rosalind Adams Collingwood
–DD(10): Irene Thalia Collingwood
–DS(9): Casey Ethan Collingwood
–DS(7): Elliot Reiden Collingwood
–DD(4): Rose Marceline Collingwood "Rosie"DS2(32, twin): Sebastian Bellamy Eithan Collingwood
-DExGf(32): Pomona Autumn Nicolosi
–DD(9): Sylvia Iris Collingwood
-DW(34): Ariana Kaylyn Pfaff
–DD(6): Stella Sawyer Collingwood
–DD(4): Nina Caroline CollingwoodDD1(32,twin): Isobelle Nadine Artemisia Collingwood Rowland
-DH(45): Pascal Duncan Rowland
–DSS(21): Adam Mercer Rowland
—DBf(21): Jude Stellan Patil
–DSD(17): Lucienne Beatriz Rowland "Lucie"
–DSD(15): Amelie Celeste RowlandDS3(30): Cooper Alan Wright Collingwood
-DW(30): Megan Danika Novak Collingwood
–DS(7): Noah Reed Collingwood
–DD(3): Kira Garnet CollingwoodDD2(28): Liane Victoria Rose Collingwood
-DF(29): Grant Hector Odell
–DD(4): Artemis Isla Collingwood
–DD(3): Hyacinth Katherine Collingwood
–DS(exp): Pax Donovan OdellDS4(26): Leland Rian Andrew Collingwood
-DGf(25): Keturah Blythe Zeman
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett Ambrose Ellis Collingwood -&- Alyssa Camille Madeleine Zeman
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DH(80): Daniel "Dan" Felix Burgess
DW(79): Diane Emily (Voll) BurgessDS1(55): David "Dave" Nicholas BurgessDan & Diane Burgess: Dave___
DS1(55): David "Dave" Nicholas Burgess
DW(56): Marianne "Mari" Daphne (Markey) BurgessDS1(34): Colin Jeffrey Burgess
-DW(33): Hayley Sophia (Griffith) Burgess
–DD(10): Gwen Remi Burgess
–DS(9): Callan Bradley Burgess
–DS(7): Finn Jakob Burgess
–DD(4): Mila Naomi BurgessDS2(32, twin): Wesley Benjamin Burgess
-DExGf(32): Samara Michelle Nicolosi
–DD(9): Julia Frances Burgess
-DW(34): Bryanna Kaylyn (Pfaff) Burgess
–DD(6): Jade Kylee Burgess
–DD(4): Nina Lilith BurgessDD1(32,twin): Lily Rosalyn (Burgess) Beck
-DH(45): William "Will" Duncan Beck
–DSS(21): Baylor Reese Beck
—DBf(21): Tucker Isaiah Parent
–DSD(17): Alaska Faye Beck
–DSD(15): Rorie Celeste BeckDS3(30): Ronald Alan Burgess
-DW(30): Megan Allison (Novak) Burgess
–DS(7): Luke Reed Burgess
–DD(3): Ruby Eliana BurgessDD2(28): Eva Belle Burgess
-DF(29): Blake Penn Waltz
–DD(4): Vivian Nadia Waltz
–DD(3): Pearl Bella Waltz
–DS(exp): Holden Flint WaltzDS4(26): Edgar Harvey Burgess
-DGf(25): Elyse Blythe Rapp
–DS/DD(nb): Colby Scott Burgess/Alyssa Madeleine BurgessDave & Mari Burgess: Colin, Wesley, Lily, Ronald, Eva and Edgar
--Colin & Hayley Burgess: Gwen, Callan, Finn and Mila
--Wesley Burgess and Samara Nicolosi: Julia
---Wesley & Bryanna Burgess: Jade and Nina
--Lily & Will Beck: Baylor, Alaska and Rorie
---Baylor Beck & Tucker Parent: (no children)
--Ronald & Megan Burgess: Luke and Ruby
--Eva Burgess & Blake Waltz: Vivian, Pearl and Holden
--Edgar Burgess & Elyse Rapp: Colby and Alyssa
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H: Daniel Lawrence Gouveia (80)
W: Miranda Dorothy Voll Gouveia (79) S1: David Nicholas Gouveia (55)Daniel (Dan) & Miranda; David. ___S1: Daniel Lawrence Gouveia (55)
W: Flora Daphne Markey Gouveia (56) Daniel (Dan) & Flora; Ezra, Sebastian, Eloise, Finley, Eva, and Luther.S1: Ezra Levi Gouveia (34)
-W: Mara Hadassah Adams Gouveia (33)
–D: Irene Hope Gouveia (10)
–S: Casey Ethan Gouveia (9)
–S: Elliot Jakob Gouveia (7)
–D: Grace Riley Gouveia (4)Ezra & Mara; Irene (Reenie), Casey, Elliot, and Grace. S2: Sebastian Caleb Gouveia (32, twin)
-exGf: Maria Inez Nicolosi (32)
-D: Sylvia Iris Maeve Nicolosi (9)
-W: Bryanna Kaylyn Pfaff Gouveia (34)
–D: Stella Sawyer Gouveia (6)
–D: Nina Caroline Gouveia (4)Sebastian & Maria Inez; Sylvia.
Sebastian & Bryanna; Stella and Nina.D1: Eloise Artemisia Gouveia McGough (32,twin)
-H: William Duncan McGough (45)
–SS: Adam Reese McGough (21)
—-Bf: Thomas Stellan Parent (21)
–SD: Regina Leah McGough (17)
–SD: Amelie Celeste McGough (15)Eloise & William (Bill); Adam, Regina (Gigi) and Amelie (Mila).
Adam & Thomas (Tom). S3: Finley Leo Gouveia (30)
-W: Cecilia Aurelie Pickering Gouveia (30)
–S: Simon Reed Gouveia (7)
–D: Ruby Eliana Gouveia (3)Finley (Fin) & Cecilia; Simon and Ruby. D2: Eva Rose Gouveia (28)
-F: Oskar Rory Waltz (29)
–D: Vivien Isla Waltz (4)
–D: Saoirse Diana Waltz (3)
–S: Donovan Luis Waltz (exp)Eva & Oskar; Vivien, Saoirse, and Donovan (Donnie). S4: Luther Andrew Gouveia (26)
-Gf: Joy Sylvie Zeman (25)
–S/D: Bennett Ellis Zeman & Rosa Camille Zeman (nb) Luther (Luke) & Joy; Bennett (Ben) and Rosa (Rosie).
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DH(80): Daniel Felix Burgess "Dan"
DW(79): Susana Dorothy Voll Burgess "Susi"DS1(55): Leon Nicholas Burgess___
DS1(55): Leon Nicholas Burgess
DW(56): Lilia Winifred Shulze BurgessDS1(34): Colin Jack Burgess
-DW(33): Mara Jean Griffith Burgess
–DD(10): Xanthe Hope Burgess
–DS(9): Joseph Fabian Burgess "Joey"
–DS(7): Elliot Jeremiah Burgess
–DD(4): Mila Grace BurgessDS2(32, twin): Sebastian Arthur Burgess
-DExGf(32): Elizabeth Autumn Kim "Lizzy"
-DW(34): Serena Beverly Pfaff Burgess
–DD(9): Sylvia Maeve Burgess
–DD(6): Dorothea Ginger Burgess "Thea"
–DD(4): Henrietta Caroline Burgess "Hettie"DD1(32,twin): Eloise Rosalyn Burgess Beck
-DH(45): William Henry Beck "Will"
–DSS(21): Adam Reese Beck
—-DBf(21): Florian Baker Parent
–DSD(17): Lucienne Faye Beck "Lucie"
–DSD(15): Amelie Celeste BeckDS3(30): Colton Leo Burgess
-DW(30): Megan Elena Novak Burgess
–DS(7): Simon Pietro Burgess
–DD(3): Ruby Eliana BurgessDD2(28): Eva Rose Burgess
-DF(29): Bailey Penn Waltz
–DD(4): Vivien Isla Waltz "Vivi"
–DD(3): Saoirse Diana Waltz
–DS(exp): Holden Donovan WaltzDS4(26): Edgar Andrew Burgess "Eddie"
-DGf(25): Elyse Sylvie Geisler
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett Scott Burgess "Ben" -&- Alyssa Madeleine Burgess "Aly"
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DH(80): Alexander Felix Collingwood “Alex”
DW(79): Eden Marina (McKendrick) Collingwood “Eden”DS1(55): Leon Nicholas Collingwood “Leo”Alex & Eden Collingwood: Leo
DS1(55): Leon Nicholas Collingwood “Leo”
DW(56): Marianne Daphne (Deforest) Collingwood “Maria”DS1(34): Phineas Levi Collingwood “Finn”
-DW(33): Rosalind Sophia (Adams) Collingwood “Rose”
–DD(10): Gwen Hope Collingwood “Gwen”
–DS(9): Joseph Ethan Collingwood “Joey”
–DS(7): Maximo Jakob Collingwood “Max”
–DD(4): Riley Grace Collingwood “Riley”DS2(32, twin): Wesley Arthur Collingwood “Wes”
-DExGf(32): Elizabeth Philippa Nicolosi “Lizzie”
-DW(34): Ariana Poppy (Simonsin) Collingwood “Aria”
–DD(9): Julia Frances Nicolosi-Collingwood “Julie”
–DD(6): Stella Kylee Collingwood “Stella”
–DD(4): Jessica Caroline Collingwood “Jessa”DD1(32,twin): Lily Artemisia (Collingwood) McGough “Lily”
-DH(45): William Henry McGough “Will”
–DSS(21): Harrison Francisco McGough “Harry”
—DBf(21): Thomas Isaiah Parent “Tom”
–DSD(17): Lucienne Beatriz McGough “Lucy”
–DSD(15): Amelie Harper McGough “Mia”DS3(30): Colton Alan Collingwood “Cole”
-DW(30): Megan Aurelie (Novak) Collingwood “Megan”
–DS(7): Noah Reed Collingwood “Noah”
–DD(3): Roxanne Desirae Collingwood “Roxie”DD2(28): Victoria Belle Collingwood “Victoria”
-DF(29): Grant Hector Waltz “Grant”
–DD(4): Faith Isla Waltz “Faith”
–DD(3): Saoirse Katherine Waltz “Saoirse”
–DS(exp): Holden Camden Waltz “Holden” DS4(26): Rian Andrew Collingwood “Rian”
-DGf(25): Elyse Kayla Zeman “Elyse”
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett Scott Zeman-Collingwood “Ben” / Coraline Evelyn Zeman-Collingwood “Cora”Leo & Maria Collingwood: Finn, Wes, Lily, Cole, Victoria,
-Finn & Rose Collingwood: Gwen, Joey, Max, & Riley
-Wes Collingwood & Lizzie Nicolosi: Julie Nicolosi-Collingwood
-Wes & Aria Collingwood: Stella, & Jessa
-Lily & Will McGough: Harry, Lucy, & Mia
--Harry McGough & Tom Parent
-Cole & Megan Collingwood: Noah, & Roxie
-Victoria Collingwood & Grant Waltz: Faith, Saoirse, & Holden
-Rian Collingwood & Elyse Zeman: Ben Zeman-Collingwood & Cora Zeman-Collingwood
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DH(80): Emrys Alexander Collingwood
DW(79): Miranda Emily Collingwood nee McKendrick
DS1(55): Leon Asher CollingwoodEmrys & Miranda
DS1(55): Leon Asher Collingwood
DW(56): Lilia Winifred Collingwood nee MarkeyDS1(34): Ezra Levi Collingwood
-DW(33): Rosalind Sophie Collingwood nee Adams
–DD(10): Xanthe Oceane Collingwood
–DS(9): Callan Filbert Collingwood
–DS(7): Elliot Jakob Collingwood
–DD(4): Mila Corrine CollingwoodEzra & Rosalind
Xanthe | Callan | Elliot | MilaDS2(32, twin): Caleb Benjamin Collingwood
-DExGf(32): Samara Michelle Kim
-DW(34): Ariana Kaylyn Collingwood nee McReynolds
–DD(9): Kenzie Maeve Collingwood
–DD(6): Jade Sawyer Collingwood
–DD(4): Astrid Liberty CollingwoodCaleb & Samara

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DH(80): Jacinto Felix 'Jac' Gaspari
DW(79): Susana Doris (McKendrick) GaspariDS1(55): Leon Nicholas Gaspari
DS1(55): Leon Nicholas Gaspari
DW(56): Marianne Daphne (Deforest) GaspariDS1(34): Reuben Jack Gaspari
-DW(33): Rosalind Patricia Adams-Gaspari
–DD(10): Irene Thalia Gaspari
–DS(9): Filbert Harvey Gaspari
–DS(7): Bruce Ferdinand Gaspari
–DD(4): Mila Marceline GaspariDS2(32, twin): Sebastian Alonso Gaspari
-DExGf(32): Pomona Inez 'Mona' Pavlovski
-DW(34): Gloria Beverly (McReynolds) Gaspari
–DD(9): Sylvia Frances Pavlovski
–DD(6): Dorothea Petal Gaspari
–DD(4): Henrietta Estelle GaspariDD1(32,twin): Nadine Carmen (Gaspari) Rowland
-DH(45): William Duncan Rowland
–DSS(21): Milton Herman Rowland
—DBf(21): Florian Russell Parent
–DSD(17): Lucienne Faye Rowland
–DSD(15): Carlota Calliope RowlandDS3(30): Ferris Orlando Gaspari
-DW(30): Cecilia Elena (Novak) Gaspari
–DS(7): Simon Reed Gaspari
–DD(3): Roxanne Edith GaspariDD2(28): Mildred Rose (Gaspari) Bianco
-DF(29): Paul Hector Bianco
–DD(4): Vivien Nadia Bianco
–DD(3): Pearl Katherine Bianco
–DS(exp): Nelson Gulliver BiancoDS4(26): Edgar Harvey Gaspari
-DGf(25): Barbara Blythe 'Bibi' Geisler
–DS/DD(nb): Ambrose Lee Geisler-Gaspari -&- Coraline Patience Geisler-Gaspari
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DH(80): Daniel Felix Rasmussen
DW(79): Miranda Emily ColumboDS1(55): David Nicholas RasmussenDaniel & Miranda; David
___DS1(55): David Nicholas Rasmussen
DW(56): Marianne Daisy DeforestDavid & Marianne; Colin, Amir, Lily, Finn, Eva, and Leo DS1(34): Colin Jeffrey Rasmussen
-DW(33): Leilani Sophia Adams
–DD(10): Xanthe Hope Adams
–DS(9): Joseph Ethan Adams
–DS(7): Elliot Jakob Adams
–DD(4): Mila Grace Adams Colin & Leilani; Xanthe, Joseph, Elliot, and Mila DS2(32, twin): Amir Caleb Rasmussen
-DExGf(32): Elizabeth Autumn Nicolosi
-DW(34): Serena Callisto Pfaff
–DD(9): Sylvia Iris Rasmussen

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This message was edited 8/30/2024, 11:45 AM

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DH(80): Alexander Felix Rasmussen
DW(79): Diane Marina Columbo RasmussenDS1(55): Hartford Nicholas Rasmussen
___DS1(55): Hartford Nicholas Rasmussen
DW(56): Agnes Carolyn Deforest RasmussenDS1(34): Hudson Jeffrey Rasmussen
-DW(33): Georgina Sophia Adams Rasmussen
–DD(10): Xanthe Sierra Rasmussen
–DS(9): Callan Fabian Rasmussen
–DS(7): Houston Reiden Rasmussen
–DD(4): Carley Marceline RasmussenDS2(32, twin): Bellamy Arthur Rasmussen
-DExGf(32): Maria Michelle Nicolosi (mother of first child)
-DW(34): Ariana Beverly McReynolds Rasmussen
–DD(9): Julia Frances Nicolosi-Rasmussen
–DD(6): Vanessa Petal Rasmussen
–DD(4): Bianca Lilith RasmussenDD1(32,twin): Estrella Holly Rasmussen McGough
-DH(45): William Henry McGough
–DSS(21): Milton Reese McGough
-—DBf(21): Thomas Russell Parent
–DSD(17): Alaska Faye McGough
–DSD(15): Teagan Olesia McGough

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DH [80] Alexander Lawrence Collingwood
DW [79] Miranda Dorothy {Voll} CollingwoodDS [55] David Nicholas Collingwood
— DW [56] Agnes Winifred {Markey} Collingwood
— DS [34] Reuben Jeffrey Collingwood
—- DW [33] Mara Sophia Adams-Collingwood
—- DD [10] Egypt Kay Collingwood
—- DS [9] Callan Harvey Collingwood
—- DS [6] Houston Jeremiah Collingwood
—- DD [4] Indie Naomi Collingwood
— DS [32] Wesley Caleb Collingwood
—- exDgf [32] Claira Michelle Nicolosi
—- DW [34] Serena London {Pfaff} Collingwood
—- DD [9] Oona Maeve Collingwood
—- DD [6] Blair Sawyer Collingwood
—- DD [4] Astrid Lilith Collingwood
— DD [32] Nadine Carmen Collingwood
—- DH [45] William Weston Beck
—- SDS [21] Mercer Reese Beck
—— Dbf [21] Jude Arnold Parent
—- SDD [17] Alaska Faye Beck
—- SDD [15] Teagan Calliope Beck
— DS [30] Finley Alan Collingwood
—- DW [30] Megan Danika {Barber} Collingwood
—- DS [7] Simon Reed Collingwood
—- DD [3] Antoinette Edith Collingwood
— DD [28] Charley Rose Collingwood
—- Df [29] Grant Penn Odell
—- DD [4] Artemis Love Odell
—- DD [3] Matea Katherine Odell
—- DS [exp] Holden Hamilton Odell
— DS [26] Judson Theo Collingwood
—- Dgf [25] Elyse Kayla Rapp
—- DS [nb] Colby Scott Collingwood
—- DD [nb] Columbia Evelyn Collingwood
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DH(80): Alexander Anselm Collingwood
DW(79): Diane Emily Voll
DS1(55): Leon Alessandro Collingwood
DS1(55): Leon Alessandro Collingwood
DW(56): Agnes Winifred Markey
DS1(34): Phineas Levi Collingwood
-DW(33): Rosalind Rebecca Griffith
–DD(10): Irene Thalia Collingwood
–DS(9): Phelan Fabian Collingwood
–DS(7): Elliot Amias Collingwood
–DD(4): Rosamund Naomi "Rosie" Collingwood
DS2(32, twin): Sebastian Arthur Collingwood
-DExGf(32): Maria Inez Nicolosi
-DW(34): Serena Callisto Pfaff
–DD(9): Oona Frances Collingwood
–DD(6): Dorothea Circe Collingwood
–DD(4): Henrietta Lilith Collingwood
DD1(32,twin): Nadine Carmen Collingwood
-DH(45): Pascal Henry Rowland
–DSS(21): Harrison Herman Rowland
—DBf(21): Florian Arnold Maus
–DSD(17): Regina Gabriella Rowland
–DSD(15): Aurora Celeste "Rorie" Rowland
DS3(30): Ferris Orlando Collingwood
-DW(30): Helen Aurelie Pickering
–DS(7): Simon Pietro Collingwood
–DD(3): Cosima Edith "Coco" Collingwood
DD2(28): Eva Katrine Collingwood
-DF(29): Oskar Penn Waltz
–DD(4): Artemis Lena Waltz
–DD(3): Hyacinth Cleo Waltz
–DS(exp): Pax Yusuf Waltz
DS4(26): Edgar Andrew Collingwood
-DGf(25): Keturah Sylvie Geisler
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett Gavriel Collingwood & Carol Patience Collingwood
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DH(80): Alexander Brennan
DW(79): Miranda Emily
DS1(55): David Alton
DW(56): Giovanna DaphneDS1(34): Ezra Jack
-DW(33): Hayley Rebecca
–DD(10): Gwen Thalia
–DS(9): Mason Bradley
–DS(7): Elliot Jeremiah
–DD(4): Carley GraceDS2(32, twin): Sebastian Arthur
-DExGf(32): Elizabeth Michelle
-DW(34): Serena Kaylyn
–DD(9): Julia Maeve
–DD(6): Stella Zoey
–DD(4): Addison Caroline DD1(32,twin): Lily Carmen
-DH(45): William Henry "Will"
–DSS(21): Harrison Reese
—DBf(21): Jude Stellan
–DSD(17): Lucienne Harriet "Lucy"
–DSD(15): Amelie CelesteDS3(30): Finley Alan
-DW(30): Cecilia Allison
–DS(7): Noah Reed
–DD(3): Ruby ElianaDD2(28): Eva Belle
-DF(29): Blake Penn
–DD(4): Artemis Isla
–DD(3): Matea Katherine
–DS(exp): Holden DonovanDS4(26): Leland Andrew
-DGf(25): Elyse Sylvie
–DS/DD(nb): Bennett Lee -&- Alyssa Madeleine
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DH(80): Daniel Brennan Gaspari
DW(79): Miranda Emily (Columbo) GaspariDS1(55): Leon Asher Gaspari___DS1(55): Leon Asher Gaspari
DW(56): Marianne Daisy (Shulze) GaspariDS1(34): Hudson Rowen Gaspari
-DW(33): Mara Rebecca (Griffith) Gaspari
–DD(10): Egypt Thalia Gaspari
–DS(9): Mason Ethan Gaspari
–DS(7): Elliot Jeremiah Gaspari
–DD(4): Riley Naomi GaspariDS2(32, twin): Wesley Arthur Gaspari
-DExGf(32): Samara Michelle Pavlovski
-DW(34): Serena London McReynolds
–DD(9): Julia Frances Gaspari-Pavlovski
–DD(6): Blair Zoey McReynolds-Gaspari
–DD(4): Bianca Liberty McReynolds-GaspariDD1(32,twin): Eloise Carmen (Gaspari) McGough
-DH(45): William Henry McGough
–DSS(21): Zayne Francisco McGough
—DBf(21): Thomas Isaiah Maus
–DSD(17): Regina Leah McGough
–DSD(15): Carlota Harper McGough

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DH (80): Jacinto Félix Gouveia
DW (79): Diane Elia VollDS1 (55): Leon Gardner Gouveia___DS1 (55): Leon Gardner Gouveia
DW (56): Flora Winifred MarkeyDS1 (34): Endimion Keith Gouveia
DS2/DD1 (32, twins): Sebastian Alonso Gouveia & Eloise Artemisia Gouveia
DS3 (30): Ferris Orlando Gouveia
DD2 (28): Eva Candace Gouveia
DS4 (26): Edgar Vaughn Gouveia___DS1 (34): Endimion Keith Gouveia
-DW (33): Leilani Manuela Adams –DD (10): Gwen Thalia Gouveia-Adams
–DS (9): Casey Fabian Gouveia-Adams
–DS (7): Bruce Amias Gouveia-Adams
–DD (4): Indie Marceline Gouveia-Adams*DS2 (32, twin): Sebastian Alonso Gouveia
-DExGf (32): Pomona Inez Kim -mother of first child
-DW (34): Serena Callisto Pfaff –DD (9): Oona Plum Kim-Gouveia
–DD (6): Jade Petal Pfaff-Gouveia
–DD (4): Nina Liberty Pfaff-Gouveia *DD1 (32,twin): Eloise Artemisia Gouveia

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DH(80): Daniel FelixDan” Burgess
DW(79): Susanna Emily Voll-Burgess
Dan & Susanna: DavidDS1(55): David Nicholas Burgess
DS1(55): David Burgess
DW(56): Flora Daphne Markey-Burgess
David & Flora: Ezra, Wesley, Isabelle, Ferris, Eva, and EdgarDS1(34): Ezra Jack Burgess
-DW(33): Mara Sophia Griffith-Burgess
Ezra & Mara: Irene, Joseph, Elliott and Rose–DD(10): Irene HopeRena” Burgess
–DS(9): Joseph HarveyJoey” Burgess
–DS(7): Elliott Jacob Burgess
–DD(4): Rose NaomiRosie” Burgess DS2(32, twin): Wesley BenjaminWes” Burgess
-DExGf(32): Elizabeth PhilippaLiz” Pavlovsk
Wes & Liz: Julia -DW(34): Serena McReynolds-Burgess

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DH(80): Alexander Emrys Burgess
DW(79): Eden Marina Burgess (nee Voll)DS1(55): Alvaro Nicholas Burgess “Var”Alexander & Eden Burgess: Var
DS1(55): Alvaro Nicholas Burgess “Var”
DW(56): Agnes Carolyn Burgess (nee Markey)DS1(34): Colin Ingo Burgess
-DW(33): Leilani Sophia Burgess (nee Griffith)
–DD(10): Cersei Thalia Burgess
–DS(9): Callan Sergio Burgess
–DS(7): Elliot Ferdinand Burgess
–DD(4): Indie Corrine BurgessDS2(32): Edward Eithan Burgess
-DExGf(32): Pomona Marilyn Pavlovski “Mona”
-DW(34): Gloria Callisto Burgess (nee McReynolds)
–DD(9): Camila Maeve Pavlovski-Burgess
–DD(6): Dorothea Ginger Burgess “Thea”
–DD(4): Henrietta Kaleria BurgessDD1(32): Eloise Rosalyn Beck (nee Burgess)
-DH(45): William Gable Beck
–DSS(21): Adam Prince Beck
—DBf(21): Struan Isaiah Patil
–DSD(17): Alaska Faye Beck
–DSD(15): Beulah Calliope Beck “Bee”DS3(30): Finley Orlando Burgess “Fin”
-DW(30): Berry Danika Burgess (nee Novak)
–DS(7): Filip Pietro Burgess
–DD(3): Antoinette Eliana Burgess “Toni”DD2(28): Janice Katrine Burgess
-DF(29): Manuel Rory Waltz
–DD(4): Artemis Nadia Burgess-Waltz
–DD(3): Hyacinth Diana Burgess-Waltz
–DS(exp): Holden Gulliver Burgess-WaltzDS4(26): Judson Harvey Burgess “Jud”
-DGf(25): Joy Brenda Rapp
–DS/DD(nb): Ambrose Stephen Burgess-Rapp/ Alyssa Embry Burgess-RappVar & Agnes Burgess: Colin, Edward, Eloise, Fin, Janice, & Jud
Colin & Leilani Burgess: Cersei, Callan, Elliot, & Indie
Edward Burgess & Mona Pavlovski: Camila
Edward & Gloria Burgess: Thea & Henrietta
William Beck: Adam, Alaska, & Bee
Eloise & William Beck
Adam Beck & Struan Patil
Fin & Berry Burgess: Filip & Toni
Janice Burgess & Manuel Waltz: Artemis, Hyacinth, & Holden
Jud Burgess & Joy Rapp: Ambrose & Alyssa
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DH(80): Daniel Emrys Burgess
DW(79): Miranda Goldie ColumboDS1(55): Alvaro Barnett Burgess 'Alvey'
Daniel + Miranda || Alvey
DS1(55): Alvaro Barnett Burgess 'Alvey'
DW(56): Lilia Carolyn ShulzeDS1(34): Endimion Ingo 'Endi'
-DW(33): Hayley Manuela Adams
--DD(10): Xanthe Sierra
--DS(9): Phelan Sergio
--DS(7): Maximo Amias
--DD(4): Mila Corrine
Endi + Hayley || Xanthe, Phelan, Maximo & MilaDS2(32,twin): Edward Yosef
-DExGf(32): Maria Marilyn Pavlovski
-DW(34): Gloria Stacey Simonsin
--DD(9): Camila Plum 'Cami'
--DD(6): Vanessa Ginger 'Nessa'
--DD(4): Jessica Liberty 'Jessi'
Edward + Maria ; Edward + Gloria || Cami, Nessa & JessiDD1(32,twin): Lily Darian
-DH(45): Gerard Gable McGough
--DSS(21): Baylor Prince
---DBf(21): Struan Russell
Baylor + Struan
--DSD(17): Regina Parker
--DSD(15): Rorie Leia
Lily + Gerard || Baylor, Regina & RorieDS3(30): Ronald Alan
-DW(30): Berry Krystal Pickering
--DS(7): Luke Booke
--DD(3): Roxanne Venus 'Roxie'
Ronald + Berry || Luke & RoxieDD2(28): Liane Candace
-DF(29): Oskar Penn Bianco
--DD(4): Lumi Kiara
--DD(3): Alana Cleo
--DS(exp): Holden Flint
Liane + Oskar || Lumi, Alana & HoldenDS4(26): Rian Harvey
-DGf(25): Joy Sylvie Zeman
--DS/DD(nb): Ambrose Stephen & Alyssa Patience
Rian + Joy || Ambrose & Alyssa
DD2(28): Liane Candace
DS4(26): Rian Harvey
Alvey + Lilia || Endi, Edward, Lily, Ronald, Liane & Rian
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