[Opinions] Gage's Names!
Fem/Girl Name Combos
- Taraja Circe
- Amaryllis Ingrid
- Circe Leibel
- Madeira Ouida
- Elodie Fayette
- Alynah Grace
- Elodie Briar
- Ahava Kiera
- Avaline Christine
- Christi Vivette
- Ysadora Emmalyne
- Giselle Jillian
- Leighanne Maura
- Austria Yvette
- Angie Mae
- Margaux Rue
- Sappho Rose
- Gilda Ilo
- Lenora Viviane
- Matija Helene
- Eileen CassiopiaNb/Neutral Name Combos
- Rowan Beau
- Finnley Micha
- Kit BlyMasc/Boy Name Combos
- Irwin Aarti
- Curtis Bohdi
- Liam Jewiir
- Sawyer Levi
- Rohan Dexter
- Sal Leon
- Orion Ydris
- Imanuel Sören
- Emrys Roland,
Stellan Percy,


I like:Circe
GildaBeau (I prefer this spelling for a boy and Bo for a girl)
Bly (I prefer this more for a girl)Dexter
Sal Leon
I like:
Elodie Fayette
Elodie Briar
Ysadora (I’d slightly prefer Isadora)
Margaux Rue
Sappho Rose
Lenora Viviane
Rowan (Beau is nice but I think it’s too repetitive in sound next to Rowan)
Finley Micha (rather than Finnley)
Sawyer Levi
Orion Idris (rather than Ydris)
Overall I love the variety of different names on your list, I think you have quite a few different styles here!
Some of these names have funky spellings, which I don't appreciate. I like...Amaryllis Ingrid Elodie Fayette, I like Fayette over Faye.Alynah... is this supposed to be Alayna or Alannah?Avaline Christine...both Avaline and Christine end with 'ine'. Not a good pairing, but I like each name separately. Christi Vivette...prefer ChristyGiselle JillianGilda Ilo... I would use a different middle name with Gilda.Lenora VivianeEileen CassiopiaIrwin Aarti Orion Ydris..looks like a misspellingImanuel Soren...another misspelling Emrys RolandStellan Percy

This message was edited 9/2/2024, 12:38 AM