[Facts] Bryn as a short form for Brynhild
I noticed the name Bryn and Brynn started getting used more frequently for girls in the US in 1949. This is the same year Brynn Noring was featured on the cover of Life magazine (August 15th). In the article it explained her full name was Brynhild Andrea Johnson but that Brynn was easier to pronounce. I also noticed there was a British woman named Bryn Olivier, daughter of Sydney Olivier whose full name was Brynhild. I've submitted another name definition for Bryn as a short form of Brynhild but wondering if there's any other influence during that time. Brynn Thayer was born October 1949, she could have been named after Brynn Noring. https://www.behindthename.com/name/bryn/submitted
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