[Opinions] Names like Laika
I wanted to use this name on a character before I realised that the meaning was literally 'barker.' The character's story is kind of based on the dog: he's destined to go on a great adventure, but his fate's sealed from the start, and there was never hope for him to survive it. When I first heard the name, I thought it might be unisex because it reminded me of Luca and Sasha. But it's not. I don't totally mind using a typically feminine name for this character, and I'm not 100% decided that I'll make this character a guy, but that's the current plan.
So, with that being said, do y'all have any suggestions?
It could simply sound similar, or it could have a symbolic meaning, or whatever. I'd love any suggestions!


There is the Hawaiian name Laiku.Laiku (la'i-kū'), n.
A very great calm, either with reference to the atmosphere, without wind, or to the stillness of the ocean, without wave or ripple.The meaning is a little better than 'barker.'
I like that. Thank you!
Oh that's lovely. A great stillness. I like that a lot.
Thank you! Several of these names may work for him.
I looked Laika up on Wikipedia and found this, inter lots of alia:"Future space missions carrying dogs would be designed to be recovered; the first successful recovery followed the flight of Korabl-Sputnik 2, wherein the dogs Belka and Strelka, alongside dozens of other organisms, safely returned to Earth.[31] Nonetheless, four other dogs later died in Soviet space missions: Bars and Lisichka were killed when their R‑7 rocket exploded shortly after launch on 28 July 1960,[32] while Pchyolka and Mushka died when Korabl-Sputnik 3 suffered an emergency and had to be detonated."The article also states that Laika is the name for some Russian breeds of dog. Which would presumably make it unisex. But the Russians seemed to enjoy -ka names for their space dogs: what about taking Bars and adding something almost but not quite Russian: Barski? Barsvi?
I know quite a few dogs named Laika!
That may work for him. Thank you!
I say Micah to rhyme with Laika. Maybe that would work? I've heard people say "Meeka" but it's always been my-kah to me. Is the setting a fantasy, or are you looking for a name that would work in the real world?
I like Micah. It's actually in my top 10 for boys. That might work.
It's low fantasy, so the names wouldn't necessarily have to work in the real world.
Thank you!