[Opinions] Suggestions for similar names? Siblings.
Does anyone have any unisex or masculine names that sound good with Belen and Evelyn?I like the biblical roots of Belen, the ending of both names, and how simple they are. I can't find any boy names that sound great to me. If any name just instantly comes to you, I'd love to know it!Thanks.


Robin? Alan? Martin? Ian? Gavin?
Galen came to mind instantly. But not sure if it's too similar to Belen.
Thank you for the suggestion, I do like it too. A lot of boy names I like are basically Belen with different letters haha.
I’ll definitely be writing it down though!
Thank you for the suggestions. I do love Dorian, specifically for Oscar Wilde’s book even though it’s not necessarily a positive connotation. I’ve had it on my list for a long time now hmmm….
Thank you for all the suggestions!
I’ve searched on here using -r*n/*n and seen some of these; a few have gone on my list. I love the name Cain so much but every time I bring it up someone has to comment, “But wasn’t he the bad brother?” Haha.
Definitely looking these over, thank you!
Thank you for the suggestions! I had not considered quite a few of these and will absolutely be adding them to my list.