[Opinions] Marjorie or Margery
Which spelling do you like better? I know Marjorie is more common, but Margery just looks “cleaner” to me.


I prefer Marjorie. Margery seems old fashioned to me.
I prefer Margaret to both.
I much prefer Marjorie, Margery is very unattractive to me.
I prefer Marjorie, because it's closer to how I'd want people to pronounce it.
I think Marjorie looks very pretty.
I think Margery is the old-fashioned spelling, but I think Marjorie looks much nicer.
I wouldn't ever use it or want it for myself, but it has a friendly-grandma type vibe that I like.
It’s a really joyful name, far better than Margaret. I prefer Margery but also love Marjorie.
Marjorie is a family name, and also doesn't look at all like margarine, which Margery, sadly, does.A friend's mother, now deceased, was named Marjory and claimed - wrongly, I believe - that this was the original spelling!
I like both, but prefer Marjorie because it looks more established and familiar.
I think Marjorie seems jauntier. It's the double dots.
I love Marjorie. It looks brighter and more cheery. Margery really reminds me strongly of margarine. Also in my head it always sounds like "mar-gurry" which is not nearly as pleasant to me.

This message was edited 9/6/2024, 9:18 PM

I prefer Marjorie. I just like the "jor" aesthetically, more than the "ger." Like it reminds me more of marjoram (herbal), and major, and less of margarine and words like forgery and surgery.Marjory would be appealing though, and I might like it better than Marjorie. It looks more medieval and less French. Not sure

This message was edited 9/6/2024, 4:17 PM