[Opinions] What are your thoughts on the name Calisa?
Calisa is a name that I've been enamored with since early last month; it's absolutely stunning, in my opinion. I tend to be somewhat traditionalist with names; I tend to prefer names with common spellings and pronunciations. However, the name Calisa, while it may be complicated to some (in spelling and pronunciation; some may spell it as Kalisa or Kelisa. Some may also want to pronounce it as "Cuh-LISS-suh") has caught my attention. I pronounce it as "Cuh-LEE-suh," and I love the way that it sounds. I have always adored the name Lisa, using a C name would honor my mother, it sounds similar a special friend's name, and (potential nickname) Callie also has familial ties. So, what do you all think of this name; do you enjoy the name Calisa?

This message was edited 9/11/2024, 10:56 AM


It feels made up. Nothing against "made up" names, but I'm not a big fan when they feel overly made up, and this does - actually regardless of whether it's made up or not (I don't know) but it definitely feels that way for some reason.
There are several other names which you could get the nn Callie from.
It's beautiful!!
It's pretty but seems a little insubstantial and newly-coined, which is not my style. Plus it's likely to get mispronounced and misspelled. I would look for something similar-sounding, but with more history behind it and a standard spelling, like Calista (especially if you want Callie as a nickname), Clarissa, or Cecilia.
I think Calisa is very pretty. I have also always liked the name Lisa.
It's nice.
I'm personally just not very attracted to the sound of Lisa.
In part because it brings back memories of 80s mean girls, and partly I think I just don't like the sound.
Anyway if not for that, I'd probably like Calisa more. I like the style of it.
I like Calissa (ca-LISS-a) and Karissa (-RISS-) and Callista / Calista.
I don't feel like Callie is as natural a nickname for Calisa as Lisa is. But it'd work.
It's ok, but i prefer Calista, could have spelling and pronunciation issues
It's a pretty sound. It feels like something a beautiful lady-alien would be named in an old Star Trek episode. I like that kind of thing, so I like the name.
I like it. Calisa looks more elegant than Kalisa or Kelisa, but I'd like any of them. Callie is a good nickname. I did wonder if it was ca-LISS-a or ca-LEE-sa at first, but I figured Calisa was probably ca-LEE-sa because Calissa would be ca-LISS-a.
I find its pronunciation confusing, or maybe unpredictable. CALissa? caLIEsa? caLISa? Whatever; it still sounds like a sneeze.
I think Calissa may work better for the ca-liss-a pronunciation rather like Carissa. Calisa is okay although I prefer Calista.

This message was edited 9/11/2024, 12:07 PM

It makes me think of Khaleesi and also looks like someone misspelled Calista. It's not my style.