[Opinions] Lily, Lilias, Lilith, Lilian, Liliane, Liliana, Lilianna
At the moment I am deciding on a last name for a character of mine who I’ve named Lilias. It got me thinking of all the different Lili/Lily names. What do you think of them and which one is your favourite?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from


I am partial to Lillian because it seems simple and complete. It can be shortened into a nickname, such as Lilly, and it isn't too long, only 3 syllables, which allows for a large range concerning middle name syllabic-pairing.
All the Lili/Lily names are very sweet at any rate.
Order of preference: Lilith, Lilian, Liliane, Liliana, Lilias, Lily, LiliannaI definitely prefer the spelling Lillian, and slightly prefer Lilliane & Lilliana.
Oooh I've never heard Lilias but I like it!My other top two are 1. Lilith and 2. Lily
I really love Liliana and Lily. Not a fan of any of the others.
I like Lily best then Lillian Lilith and Liliana are ok
I'm so bored of Lily and all the variations.
in order of preference :)liliana
I like two names: Lily and Lilias.
Favourite - Lilian. The classic but not boring.
Least favourite - Liliana / Lilianna or Lilith. Liliana is so super floofy and frilly. It gives strong old-school Mary-Sue self-insert fan character vibes ('uWu, my name is Liliana, I have one purple eye and one green eye and natural auburn hair with a blond streak. People hate me for my natural beauty and the fact I have a super rare beautiful name, people are always like "eugh, I hate your super gorgeous name and eyes, Lili (heart eyes)" and it's not my fault. I go by Lili, after my aunt Lily Potter :3') and makes me cringe. I hate Lilith with the burning passion of a thousand suns, I think it's used by certain people who think they're being subversive and unique and unconventional and they...are...really...not. Lilith makes me roll my eyes a lot. And I don't think it sounds good at all.Lily is... fine. It's just... fine. It's ok. I don't hate it. I'd never use it. But it's ok. It's a bit dull.Lilias is the best of the bunch. It's more unusual and fresher, less cliched. It's more youthful and less heavy than Lillian, and as much as I like Lillian, I think Lilias is -better- as a character name. In my opinion, you should stick with Lilias, with Lilian as a second choice... and stay well away from Liliana / Lilianna and the tired Lilith.

This message was edited 9/15/2024, 3:00 PM

I like Lily and Lilith, and Liliana is okay.
I'm not a huge fan of Lily names, but my favorite is probably Lilian.
I like Lilith and Liliana, but not as much. I like Lilith, but it sounds off to me. Liliana is just a bit too long.
Lilias and Lily are fine.
I dislike Liliane and Lilianna. They're just a bit much

This message was edited 9/15/2024, 4:10 PM

I like Lily, Lillian (Lilian looks misspelled to me), and Lilith. I'm also gaining an appreciation for Lillie.The various forms of Liliana are too much even for the likes of me. I like Lily Anna quite well, but Liliana gives me a toothache.Lilias is something I've never encountered in real life. I'd like to, because then I'm maybe have an opinion on it. I know they used it the The Secret Garden, so I should have an appreciation for it as a historical/literary name, but it just doesn't stir any feelings in me whatsoever. It's kind of odd!
Liliana is my favorite, though I slightly prefer the spelling Lilliana. I also love Lilith/Lillith. I do not like Lilian/Lillian. Lily is okay, but I prefer the spellings Lilly and Lilli.Order of preference: Liliana, Lilith, Lily, Lilias, Lilian, Liliane.

This message was edited 9/15/2024, 6:44 PM