[Opinions] Annie
What do you think of Annie as a nickname for Anne/Ann? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


I like Annie for Anne, Anna, Annabel, etc. It's cute and friendly. I don't like Annie by itself unless it's for an animal, too nicknamey for a human's full name IMO.
I love Annie and have heard it used as a nickname for Anne and Ann but prefer it as a stand alone name. My grandfather’s favourite great aunt was Annie known to the family as Nan.
It’s ok I guess? Not a name I have a strong opinion about.
I think Annie is so sweet, yet strong and punchy at the same time. To me an Annie would be a kind, friendly, sweet lady, but she also has a no nonsense side and is a hard worker. I much prefer Annie to any Anne / Ann name and prefer Annie as a full name. I’d seriously consider using it if I didn’t have a sister in law named Anne already.
I like Annie as a nickname for Anne and names containing that sound, but I also prefer it to Anne even as a standalone name. It sounds playful and friendly.
I have a sister named Maryanne who's always gone by Annie. I never thought much of it. I don't typically like Anne names, but I think Annie is cute and significantly less bland.There's definitely teasing potential though. My sister used to be called "Little orphan Annie".
I like Annie. It's actually quite a rare name in my area. I've only known two. I don't see it as childish, maybe because the Annie I grew up with was very sporty and stoic.I see Annie as one of those sort of fin de siècle frontier lady names. Annie, Nellie, Millie, that kind of thing. The names are technically pretty flimsy but the people behind them are adventurous and daring.
Annie is rare where I live too. I only really know people called Anna and Ann/Anne, no Annies. But for some reason I think Annie feels less dated than similar names like Nellie and Millie.
Correct answer.
I dislike it. I think it trivialises a wonderful, classic, historical-and-timeless name of stature and dignity.
It's ok
I find it whiny and infantile.
I'm no fan of Annie. It feels very dull and country to me. I like Anne on its own. I suppose Annie is kind of inevitable, at least at some point. But if Anne needs a nn I like Andy/Andi better.
I knew an Annie. That was her full name, not a nickname. I like Annie as a full name.