[Facts] name definition
i cant deleate this lol

This message was edited 10/11/2024, 12:47 AM

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In what language?
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Latin. See Livius.Having said this, the originial post is not appropriate for the name facts board: Meanings of names should be at least traced to a certain language, and sources should be provided, if possible.Serious questions are possible and wellcome, too.
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Oh, I saw Livius all right - did you? "Roman family name that may be related to either Latin liveo "to envy" or lividus "blue, envious". The point is that although English people think of being green with envy, ancient Romans thought that it turned them blue.
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And in Germany, it is *gelb vor Neid* "yellow with envy".

This message was edited 9/30/2024, 6:18 AM

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I thought it was associated with the color blue, and envy. Anyway, it looks like someone forgot the O for Olivia.
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