[Opinions] Names I personally dislike
- John and Mary (including variants & diminutive forms) - Arguably the most common names ever. After years of overuse, they've gotten boring. It seems they are starting to die out of popularity, likely a result of people being bored of the name and the rise of atheism. These are not bad names though, I'm just bored of them.
- Elizabeth, Isabella and Lisa (including variants & diminutive forms) - I'm also tired of these names, they might be more overused altogether (including variants & diminutive forms) than John and Mary. Again, not bad names, they are just overused.
- Bob - What a boring name, it's been overused in fiction to the point where it has gotten boring, not unlike John, Mary, and Elizabeth/Isabella/Lisa in real life. It's the laziest name you can name a (male) fictional character, so why not give them a more creative name? Anyone who has the name Robert should use the short form Rob instead as it's less common in fiction than Bob. Betty is the female equivalent for me, being overused for female characters in fiction.
- Dick, Gaylord and any other names ruined by changes in the English languages - I feel bad for people who have these names, now that they are associated with profane words and slang. Anyone with the name Richard should use the short form Rich (not Rick as I think it's becoming too closely associated with Rick & Morty).
- Adolf, Donald and any other names ruined by association with people considered evil - Again, I feel bad for people with these names. I think next is Vladimir, because of Putin's poor reputation worldwide.


I don't like Elizabeth, Isabel, Isabella, Caroline, Catherine, Charlotte, Mary, Marie, Alexander, Alexandra, Sébastien, Jasper, Casper, John,or James. All names that people love. I'm sure I'm forgetting to list a few that I can't stand.
I don't mind John or Mary. They aren't favorites but I certainly don't mind them. I've met many Johns. I don't mind it, but if I ever wanted to use it I would only use it as a middle name. As for Mary, I actually haven't met very many. However, I do think of it as being very used. It's also not a name I mind, though, and I think a lot of the variants are pretty. Again, if I used this name (in this form), it would probably be in the middle spot.
As for Elizabeth, Isabella, and Lisa, I partially agree. For as long as I can remember, I've disliked Elizabeth as a name. Just not my taste - I think it's the sound and probably some associations. I have similar feelings for Eleanor. However, I enjoy several of the diminutive forms of Elizabeth, such as (and mostly) Beth. I don't mind Isabella, but I find it kind of boring. I'm not a huge fan of Lisa in look or sound. I think I've actually only met one Lisa. I've met several Isabellas and many Elizabeths.
I kind of disagree about Bob. I'm quite the reader but I struggle to think of books I've read who've had any characters named Bob. Perhaps our taste in books is divergent. Bob sounds very friendly to me and I love meeting people who go by this. (To me) it feels much spunkier than Rob or Robert which I am neither a huge fan of. I also dislike the nickname Rob as it both sounds dated and makes me think of robber. I've also read very few books who have characters named Betty.
Dick, Gaylord...

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I don't think of Rick and Morty when I hear Rick, even though I'm familiar enough with the show. I don't like Rich because it reminds me of money and feels shallow. I agree about Adolf because of the immense impact he had on people. Donald and Vladmir can probably be saved, though. Vladimir, I thought, is a common name for a Russian man. I'm getting old-fashioned, grandfatherly vibes, but also an air of respect. Donald is similar in that regard. There are so many great people named Donald. I can't think of any other famous Adolf.I'm also bored of Bob, John, Elizabeth and Mary. I have no real interest in Jane, Joan, Joanna, Marc, Marcus, etc. I prefer Johnathan, any name that contains Mary, or Robert and Bobby. I don't like Rob or Robby as much. I do like Robin and Robyn. I used to think that Betty was ugly, but I actually like most names that come from Elizabeth far more than Elizabeth like Eliza, Isabelle, Lizzy, Elsa, Lisa, etc.I agree about Dick and Gaylord. Then there's Gay and Fanny. They don't sound attractive to me, but the evolution of language has exacerbated the manner. I also seem to have a bias against names that sound "too elderly" like Susan, Miriam, Diggory, Hortense, Abel, etc.
You can throw in Fannye with Dick and Gaylord.