[Games] Ishild's NTNB - round 7
Thank you for all replies last round. So many great ideas once again. 5 years have passed for all families.The FELIX & BURNETT familyexDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]
exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: DS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]: DD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]Location: Athens, Georgia, USA; Mountain View, California, USABuchanan and Lauren recently welcomed their third child, a daughter, who completed their family. Elena is excited to have a little sister, Palmer who wished for a brother was bummed it was a girl, but changed his mind the first time he held his little sister in his arms. Robinson and Ylva were married three years ago, it was the first time Jason and Ellie were in the same place after successfully avoiding each other for years and somehow they survived. Robinson and Ylva are now parents to a two year old boy, who is a handful, but they would not have it any other way. Ophelia was accepted to culinary college, she is currently on internship in France. Evergreen is in his last year of high school and plans to study agriculture afterwards.Buchanan and Lauren’s daughter’s first name comes from this list (https://www.britishbabynames.com/blog/2011/05/short-and-sweet.html). Her middle name honors Lauren.Robinson and Ylva’s son has a Swedish first name that is currently popular in USA as well. He shares his middle name with a computer game character.***The ADELARDI-MCIVER familyDH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]DBf’sDS [37]: Lennox Adelardi Weber [jessica_p]
-DW [37]: Piper Eleni (Zographos) Weber [molly]
-DD [14]: Dove Katara Weber [cher529s]
-DD [11]: Blossom Billie Weber [AhaRememo]
-DD [7]: Saffron Athena Weber [Guest]DD [29]: Hero Hyacinth Adelardi-McIver (twin to Johnnie) [molly]
-exDH [35]: Reece Matthew Kearney [Jessamine]
-DS [9]: Archie Kane Kearney [Darkbone]
-DBf [30]: DS [29]: Johnnie Ibsen Adelardi-McIver (twin to Hero) [AhaRememo]
-DGf [27]: DS [24]: Barnaby Sholto Adelardi-McIver (twin to Caspian) [Wordsmith]DS [24]: Caspian Peter Adelardi-McIver (twin to Barnaby) [Guest]
-DW [25]: Olwen Lydia (Pryce) Adelardi-McIver [Wordsmith]Location: Sydney, Australia; Banff, Canada; Oxford, UKSaffron completed Lennox and Piper’s family, with their business now well established and kids a little older, the family traveled back to Australia for the first time when Caspian and Olwen were married a year ago and spent nearly a month down under, while they loved being there, they could barely wait to return back home to Canada not really used to the warm climate anymore. After her failed marriage Hero was not really looking for a new partner and that is when she found one. Her boyfriend is her former primary school classmate that she lost touch with and they met again at school reunion. They have been together for over a year now. Archie while reserved at first has warmed up to him in the last few months and the three of them often spent the weekends together. Johnnie is still on the go, but now together with his girlfriend who is a professional surfer as well, they have been together for two years now. After graduating university, Barnaby remained in Oxford working on his PhD in history. Caspian and Olwen on the other hand moved to Australia, Caspian is now working as a high school mathematics teacher, while his wife works as a personal trainer in a local gym.Hero’s boyfriend shares his first name with an US state. His middle name is dated. His surname begins with a vowel.Johnnie’s girlfriend has Maori first name. She has no middle name. Her surname is very common English surname.***The GASCOIGNE familyDH [67]: Guillaume Narcisse Gascoigne [Wordsmith]
DW [60]: Jingqiu “Julie” (Han) Gascoigne [Darkbone]DD [36]: Camille Xinyi (Gascoigne) Halliche [Jessamine]
-DH [38]: Enzo Amayas Halliche [Wordsmith]
-DS [1]: DD [29]: Odette Jian Gascoigne [ari.]
-DW [29]: Catherine Zvezdana de la Montagne [Darkbone]
-DD [exp]: DD [26]: Solène Ying Gascoigne [cher529s]
-DF [27]: Giambattista Lorenzo Bianco [jessica_p]DD [23]: Victoire Wen Gascoigne [Princess_Shireen]
-DBf [25]: DHorse [dec]: Autumn Wind [Cinnabar]Location: Paris, FranceAfter years of trying to conceive with no luck, Camille and Enzo finally became parents a year ago, welcoming a son into their family. Given their trouble he will be likely their only child and they are spoiling him rotten already. Odette and Catherine were married three years ago. Catherine is now pregnant with their first baby, a little girl who is due right on Christmas day. Solène and Giambattista were engaged during their summer holiday to Sicily, they plan to wed there in a year. Victoire and her partner missed the French Olympic team just by a smidge, namely deduction for a prolonged lift, which upset them both greatly as they will have to wait another four years for their next chance. They have been in a relationship for a year now.Camille and Enzo’s son has a short French first name, no longer than 6 letters. One of his middle names is Berber, while the other one is Chinese.Odette and Catherine’s daughter will have a first name that ranked in top 20 in France in 2023. Her middle name is related to Christmas. She’ll have Catherine’s surname.Victoire’s boyfriend’s first and middle name is hyphenated with one of the names being French and the other one Polish. His surname is Polish.My name list
top Felix & Oliver flop Lujza
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The FELIX & BURNETT family
exDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]
exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]
DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: Fern Renata FelixDS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]:Casper Yoshi Felix
DD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]
Location: Athens, Georgia, USA; Mountain View, California, USAThe ADELARDI-MCIVER family
DH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]

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The FELIX & BURNETT family
exDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]
exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: Aria Lauren FelixDS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]: Lukas Booker Felix (BioShock Infinite)DD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]
DH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]

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The FELIX & BURNETT familyexDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]
exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: Blythe Renee FelixDS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]: Christian Atlas FelixDD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]Location: Athens, Georgia, USA; Mountain View, California, USA***The ADELARDI-MCIVER familyDH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]DBf’sDS [37]: Lennox Adelardi Weber [jessica_p]
-DW [37]: Piper Eleni (Zographos) Weber [molly]
-DD [14]: Dove Katara Weber [cher529s]
-DD [11]: Blossom Billie Weber [AhaRememo]
-DD [7]: Saffron Athena Weber [Guest]DD [29]: Hero Hyacinth Adelardi-McIver (twin to Johnnie) [molly]
-exDH [35]: Reece Matthew Kearney [Jessamine]
-DS [9]: Archie Kane Kearney [Darkbone]
-DBf [30]: Tennessee Russell OgdenDS [29]: Johnnie Ibsen Adelardi-McIver (twin to Hero) [AhaRememo]
-DGf [27]: Kiri WilliamsDS [24]: Barnaby Sholto Adelardi-McIver (twin to Caspian) [Wordsmith]DS [24]: Caspian Peter Adelardi-McIver (twin to Barnaby) [Guest]
-DW [25]: Olwen Lydia (Pryce) Adelardi-McIver [Wordsmith]Location: Sydney, Australia; Banff, Canada; Oxford, UK***The GASCOIGNE familyDH [67]: Guillaume Narcisse Gascoigne [Wordsmith]
DW [60]: Jingqiu “Julie” (Han) Gascoigne [Darkbone]DD [36]: Camille Xinyi (Gascoigne) Halliche [Jessamine]
-DH [38]: Enzo Amayas Halliche [Wordsmith]
-DS [1]: Yves Amastan Jingyi HallicheDD [29]: Odette Jian Gascoigne [ari.]
-DW [29]: Catherine Zvezdana de la Montagne [Darkbone]
-DD [exp]: Louise Emmanuelle de la MontagneDD [26]: Solène Ying Gascoigne [cher529s]
-DF [27]: Giambattista Lorenzo Bianco [jessica_p]DD [23]: Victoire Wen Gascoigne [Princess_Shireen]
-DBf [25]: Miłosz-Claude AndrysiakDHorse [dec]: Autumn Wind [Cinnabar]Location: Paris, France
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Inez Millie Felix
Matheo Nathan FelixVermont Bernard Allemand
Kairangi TaylorSerge Miàojīng Izem Halliche
Nour Winika de la Montagne
Maurin Lotar StarostaP.S.: Srry about the dumb mistake I made on #4 with Enzo
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The FELIX & BURNETT family
exDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: Ruby Lauren FelixDS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]: Axel Dante* Felix
*Devil May CryDD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]
DH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]DBf’sDS [37]: Lennox Adelardi Weber [jessica_p]
-DW [37]: Piper Eleni (Zographos) Weber [molly]
-DD [14]: Dove Katara Weber [cher529s]
-DD [11]: Blossom Billie Weber [AhaRememo]
-DD [7]: Saffron Athena Weber [Guest]DD [29]: Hero Hyacinth Adelardi-McIver (twin to Johnnie) [molly]
-exDH [35]: Reece Matthew Kearney [Jessamine]
-DS [9]: Archie Kane Kearney [Darkbone]
-DBf [30]: Tennessee Douglas O'MaraDS [29]: Johnnie Ibsen Adelardi-McIver (twin to Hero) [AhaRememo]
-DGf [27]: Anahera MatthewsDS [24]: Barnaby Sholto Adelardi-McIver (twin to Caspian) [Wordsmith]DS [24]: Caspian Peter Adelardi-McIver (twin to Barnaby) [Guest]
-DW [25]: Olwen Lydia (Pryce) Adelardi-McIver [Wordsmith]
[67]: Guillaume Narcisse Gascoigne [Wordsmith]
DW [60]: Jingqiu “Julie” (Han) Gascoigne [Darkbone]DD [36]: Camille Xinyi (Gascoigne) Halliche [Jessamine]
-DH [38]: Enzo Amayas Halliche [Wordsmith]
-DS [1]: Timéo Itri Bao HallicheDD [29]: Odette Jian Gascoigne [ari.]
-DW [29]: Catherine Zvezdana de la Montagne [Darkbone]
-DD [exp]: Alice Noèle de la MontagneDD [26]: Solène Ying Gascoigne [cher529s]
-DF [27]: Giambattista Lorenzo Bianco [jessica_p]DD [23]: Victoire Wen Gascoigne [Princess_Shireen]
-DBf [25]: Luc-Bazyli SzymanskiDHorse [dec]: Autumn Wind [Cinnabar]
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Belle Laurinda Felix
Axel Cloud FelixIndiana Roger Ellis
Kahurangi WoodMattéo Xun Idir Halliche
Louise Angel de la Montagne
Mahé-Włodzimierz Bukowski
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DD [nb]: Tess Laurena Felix
DS [2]: Oliver Kratos FelixDBf [30]: Nevada Earl Ashby
DGf [27]: Manaia BrownDS [1]: Luc Amastan Yang Halliche
DD [exp]: Iris Noëlle de la Montagne
DBf [25]: Karol-Pierre Wieczorek
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Asha Renee Felix
Adrian Arthur Felix (Arthur Morgan from the Red Dead Redemption series)Tennessee Archie O'Keefe
Kārearea JonesEdmé Zhong Berber Halliche
Inaya Angèle de la Montagne
Jean-Kamil Czajka
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exDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]
exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: Ida Laurel FelixDS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]: Kai Sigurd Felix (the Genealogy of the Holy War remake will likely be out by then)DD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]
***DH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]DBf’sDS [37]: Lennox Adelardi Weber [jessica_p]
-DW [37]: Piper Eleni (Zographos) Weber [molly]
-DD [14]: Dove Katara Weber [cher529s]
-DD [11]: Blossom Billie Weber [AhaRememo]
-DD [7]: Saffron Athena Weber [Guest]DD [29]: Hero Hyacinth Adelardi-McIver (twin to Johnnie) [molly]
-exDH [35]: Reece Matthew Kearney [Jessamine]
-DS [9]: Archie Kane Kearney [Darkbone]
-DBf [30]: Arizona Gregory EavesDS [29]: Johnnie Ibsen Adelardi-McIver (twin to Hero) [AhaRememo]
-DGf [27]: Marama TaylorDS [24]: Barnaby Sholto Adelardi-McIver (twin to Caspian) [Wordsmith]DS [24]: Caspian Peter Adelardi-McIver (twin to Barnaby) [Guest]
-DW [25]: Olwen Lydia (Pryce) Adelardi-McIver [Wordsmith]
***DH [67]: Guillaume Narcisse Gascoigne [Wordsmith]
DW [60]: Jingqiu “Julie” (Han) Gascoigne [Darkbone]DD [36]: Camille Xinyi (Gascoigne) Halliche [Jessamine]
-DH [38]: Enzo Amayas Halliche [Wordsmith]
-DS [1]: Cléo Guiying Anarouz Halliche (Meilleurs Prenoms has a search function so you can search by syllables or length)DD [29]: Odette Jian Gascoigne [ari.]
-DW [29]: Catherine Zvezdana de la Montagne [Darkbone]
-DD [exp]: Alba Nathalie de la MontagneDD [26]: Solène Ying Gascoigne [cher529s]
-DF [27]: Giambattista Lorenzo Bianco [jessica_p]DD [23]: Victoire Wen Gascoigne [Princess_Shireen]
-DBf [25]: Piotr-Louis WieczorekDHorse [dec]: Autumn Wind [Cinnabar]

This message was edited 10/16/2024, 8:30 AM

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The FELIX & BURNETT family
exDH [59]: Jason Luke Felix [ari.]
-DW [59]: Nancy Lee (Cheon) Felix [Darkbone]
exDW [59]: Ellie Valentina (Durante) Felix-Burnett [Laura B.]
-DH [57]: Edward Brahms "Red" Burnett [Rowena]
DS [34]: Buchanan Earl Felix [Rowena]
-DW [35]: Lauren Renee (Miller) Felix [jessica_p]
-DS [7]: Palmer Jacob Felix [molly]
-DD [6]: Elena Rose Felix [Guest]
-DD [nb]: Ivy Laura Felix
DS [29]: Robinson Luca Felix [Wordsmith]
-DW [29]: Ylva Deborah (Hellström) Felix [Laura B.]
-DS [2]: Hugo Luigi Felix
DD [21]: Ophelia Prudence Burnett [cher529s]
DS [17]: Evergreen Luke Felix [Rowena]
Location: Athens, Georgia, USA; Mountain View, California, USA***
DH [62]: Cedar Jack (Adelardi) Adelardi-McIver [ari.]
DW [63]: Shannon Rebecca (McIver) Adelardi-McIver [jessica_p]
DBf’sDS [37]: Lennox Adelardi Weber [jessica_p]
-DW [37]: Piper Eleni (Zographos) Weber [molly]
-DD [14]: Dove Katara Weber [cher529s]
-DD [11]: Blossom Billie Weber [AhaRememo]
-DD [7]: Saffron Athena Weber [Guest]
DD [29]: Hero Hyacinth Adelardi-McIver (twin to Johnnie) [molly]
-exDH [35]: Reece Matthew Kearney [Jessamine]
-DS [9]: Archie Kane Kearney [Darkbone]
-DBf [30]: Vermont Keith Underhill
DS [29]: Johnnie Ibsen Adelardi-McIver (twin to Hero) [AhaRememo]
-DGf [27]: Ngaio Jackson
DS [24]: Barnaby Sholto Adelardi-McIver (twin to Caspian) [Wordsmith]
DS [24]: Caspian Peter Adelardi-McIver (twin to Barnaby) [Guest]
-DW [25]: Olwen Lydia (Pryce) Adelardi-McIver [Wordsmith]
Location: Sydney, Australia; Banff, Canada; Oxford, UK***
The GASCOIGNE family
DH [67]: Guillaume Narcisse Gascoigne [Wordsmith]
DW [60]: Jingqiu “Julie” (Han) Gascoigne [Darkbone]
DD [36]: Camille Xinyi (Gascoigne) Halliche [Jessamine]
-DH [38]: Enzo Amayas Halliche [Wordsmith]
-DS [1]: Rémy Jingbiao Idir Halliche
DD [29]: Odette Jian Gascoigne [ari.]
-DW [29]: Catherine Zvezdana de la Montagne [Darkbone]
-DD [exp]: Agathe Emmanuelle de la Montagne
DD [26]: Solène Ying Gascoigne [cher529s]
-DF [27]: Giambattista Lorenzo Bianco [jessica_p]
DD [23]: Victoire Wen Gascoigne [Princess_Shireen]
-DBf [25]: Jacek-Pierre Dawidowicz
DHorse [dec]: Autumn Wind [Cinnabar]
Location: Paris, France

This message was edited 10/16/2024, 8:21 AM

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June Laurel FelixSebastian Dante Felix (after Dante from Devil May Cry)Tennessee Clyde EricsonKiri JonesCorin Ziri Fen HallicheAlice Nathalie de la MontagneFlorian-Marcel Bukowski
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Ione Lorena Felix
Sebastian Geralt FelixMontana Chester Evans
Aroha WilliamsRémy Jugurtha Huang Halliche
Agathe Natalija de la Montagne
Yves-Anatol Mazur
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Gaia Lorena Felix
Lucas Joel FelixWashington Howard Andrews
Kiri JohnsonMaxime Juba Long Halliche
Alba Nathalie* de la Montagne
Antoine-Marek Nowak* French form of Natalie, meaning Christmas Day
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