[Opinions] Malverton
A six of one and half a dozen of the other neighbour dispute in the newspaper today. One of the people involved is a man called Malverton. There is a town in England called Malvern pronounced Molven and a village called Milverton and I wondered if it might be inspired by one of them. Alternatively as Malverton sounds like it could be a last name I wondered if it could be a last name first name. Either way wdyt of Malverton?Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from

This message was edited 10/17/2024, 2:55 AM


It has the 'mal' prefix. That can't be good.
I dislike it. It sounds like a last name.
It doesn't even sound like a name. It looks awkward.
As a human name, top-heavy. Sounds like a minor character in an E.M. Forster novel.
I tend to avoid names that begin with 'Mal' since it literally translates to 'bad' in Spanish.Either way, I don't like it for a real person, but it has potential as a character name!Kind of like Malfoy from Harry Potter.

This message was edited 10/17/2024, 7:23 AM

Don't like it at all