[Opinions] Rank these names from best to worst
Random collection of boy names from my PNL. Rank them, give me your opinions, all that jazzNathan


Jericho - really like
7 out of 10
Underwhelming but reliable: Nathan
Sounds cool but is inescapably religious: Jericho5 out of 10
Pleasantly nerdy but also awkward: Webster
Sounds nice but would be foreign/affected for me: Etienne
Not sure I like the meaning and prefer a different spelling: Tai3 out of 10
I'm used to hearing gripes and jokes about: Stanford

This message was edited 10/18/2024, 8:49 PM

1 Etienne - more interesting than Stephen2 Jericho - a cool Biblical place name3 Nathan - prefer Nathaniel but this is okTai isn't my style, Webster was a cute TV character and Stanford is an Ivy League university.
I love Étienne, one of my favorite names but I could never use it in real life because people think it's a girl name and don't know how to pronounce it.

This message was edited 10/18/2024, 1:27 PM

Nobody asked but I'm giving my own opinions on these names anyways.Best to worst:
Etienne is dramatic and handsome. I've been obsessed since I first heard it.
Jericho stands out a lot among the sea of J names, sounding very unique and interesting.
Webster is strange and nerdy, just the kind of name I love. Would be a good name for a spider-based character, lol.
Stanford is great and intelligent. Reminds me of Gravity Falls, which is never a bad thing.
Nathan is nice and comforting. Like a warm bowl of soup.
Tai is okay. It's the one I'm the least attached to, but I still like it.
Jericho > Nathan > Tai > Etienne > Stanford > WebsterThe last two don't seem like names to me.
Etienne - Love this French name
Jericho - reminds me of one of my fave TV series (the one with Skeet Ulrich)
Webster - Cuddly, like a teddy bear
Nathan - I much prefer Nathanael, but this is the best of the NNs, I guess
Stanford - Reminds me of the (IMO) racist American 'comedy'
Tai - shoelaces
Nathan: quite pleasant on someone else or someone else's child. Too biblical for me.
Etienne: sometimes used in South Africa as an alternative to Stephen etc.
Jericho: strictly place-name. Anyone who wants a son called Jerry could use Gerald or Jeremy.
Stanford: surname and place-name. A double negative.
Webster: surname, originally for women. Nope.
Tai: sounds, and almost looks, like the Afrikaans word that means 'tough', both as a male attribute and as a fault of badly prepared meat.
NathanDon't like the others
1. Nathan. I love this name. It's not super manly, but it sounds noble somehow.
2. Tai. Although it's Chinese and unisex, I do think about Ty, the NN for Tyler - which I really like. For this reason, I personally would not name a girl Tai unless I found a Hanzi character that I really liked.
3. Jericho. I like the sound of this name. I think of Chris Jericho. I know very little about the name's history, though.
4. Webster. It sounds smart and kind of nerdy, maybe because of Webster's dictionary. It's nice, but not one of my favorites.
5. Etienne. I don't like it. It's a bit too soft.
6. Stanford. Stanford University is a great association, but I don't like any name with "Stan". It sounds unattractive to me.

This message was edited 10/17/2024, 10:38 AM

I have long had a soft spot for Etienne, so that gets top billing. It's so romantic and tragic.I like Webster a lot, it's sharp and dweeby. Hard to pull off, but I still like it.Jericho is cool, although it also makes me a little uneasy; there's something threatening about it, a sundown town kind of name. I do like the sound a lot though.Tai is fun, though not much happening to keep me interested.Stanford is too college-y, but it would be fun to meet a Stan that was actually a Stanford.Nathan is just boring so that gets put last, definitely a very beige name.
- I love this one!
- to me these last two are a bit pretentious, but I can see the right person/character wearing them well.
Jericho, all the rest are bad.