[Games] Autumn NTNB part 8
The year is 1993.
Florence finally retired last year, putting down a long life of cases and trials, courts and cloaks. She's aging into her status as "MeeMaw Florence", as her empty nest gathers souvenirs from her vacations to Europe and art pieces from her grandkids
Jesse, on the other hand, is still working, though he's taken a backseat as an owner and manager of his clinic, letting younger optometrists do the handywork for him. They have adopted a female cat.Rooster and Teresa are still raising an artistic family in Queens, with Teresa becoming a regional manager at the bank, trying to instill a more realistic business sense in her kids, who are more drawn after their father's free, artistic spirit.Clinton finally retired from the Navy, opening up "Perez's Bait & Tackle" in Tinton Falls. Daphne is still serving, enjoying the order the military life brings.Paul and Lydia got married on a farm at the Crow reservation, in attendance by both families, and Lydia's boss. Paul has been working for the New York municipality as a hydraulics engineer, with Lydia continuing to work as a jeweler. They rent out an apartment next to the Diamond District. Unexpectedly, they had boy/girl twins, when they were aiming for starting off with 1 child. As Paul's father urged him, he adopted an irish greyhound to guard his home and family, but also as a loyal friend.Sophie, like many women of the South, wanted a big family. Emil obliged, and in these 4 years they added 2 new babies to the family. Sophie has picked up a the trade of the tailor, specialising in bespoke wedding dresses.
Florence and Jesse's cat has a spanish feminine name.Paul and Lydia's son is named after a Montana actor https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Male_actors_from_Montana
His middle name is after Paul's favorite engineer
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:19th-century_American_engineersPaul and Lydia's daughter is named after Lydia's boss. Her first name was top 100 in 1929 https://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/united-states/1929#girls-table
her middle name is a common English name of Hebrew origin.Their dog's name is after a star wars character (mind the year, not all of the movies were out by 1994)Emil and Sophie's DD2's first name is a russian first name that would be familiar to Americans. Her middld name is after an important Georgia woman (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Women_of_Achievement)Emil and Sophie's DS2 first name is after one of Florence's heros, a New Orleans lawyer (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lawyers_from_New_Orleans)
his middle name is after an English abolitionist (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:English_abolitionists)DH[62]: Jesse Cuthbert Boone (skinnyminnie)
DW[66]: Florence Hildegarde Phoebe Cuypers-Boone (Wordsmith)
Female Cat[3]:DS1[37]: Carl Marcellus "Rooster" Boone III (cher529s & Story)
DW[41]: Teresa Marilyn Capello (jessica_p)
DD1[13]: Jacqueline Audrey Boone (Wordsmith)
DS[11]: Adam Joseph Boone (Guest)
DD2[7]: Leonora Mary Boone (jessica_p) DD1[34]: Daphne Juliana Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[38]: Clinton Gabriel Perez (Wordsmith)
DS1[12]: Edmund Lucien Perez (ari.)
DS2[10]: Wallace Franklin Perez (Wordsmith)
DD[8]: Sylvia Isabel Perez (ishild)
DS3[7]: Alonzo Harrison Perez (AhaRememo) DD2[32]: Lydia Helen Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[34]: Paul Isaiah Driftwood (jessica_p)
Male Dog[3]:DS2[29]: Emil Matthias James Boone (lanaaaaa_d)
DW[29]: Sophie Alexina Byrne (Guest)
DS1[7]: Augustus Martin Boone (Wordsmith)
DD1[4]: Sara Evangeline Boone (AhaRememo)
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Female Cat[3]: LuzDS[2]:Ethan Zerah Driftwood
DD[2]: Frances Leah Driftwood
Male Dog[3]: WedgeDD2[2]: Natalia Lillian Boone
DS2[0]: Harry William Boone
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DH[62]: Jesse Cuthbert Boone (skinnyminnie)
DW[66]: Florence Hildegarde Phoebe Cuypers-Boone (Wordsmith)
Female Cat[3]: AlbaDS1[37]: Carl Marcellus "Rooster" Boone III (cher529s & Story)
DW[41]: Teresa Marilyn Capello (jessica_p)
DD1[13]: Jacqueline Audrey Boone (Wordsmith)
DS[11]: Adam Joseph Boone (Guest)
DD2[7]: Leonora Mary Boone (jessica_p)DD1[34]: Daphne Juliana Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[38]: Clinton Gabriel Perez (Wordsmith)
DS1[12]: Edmund Lucien Perez (ari.)
DS2[10]: Wallace Franklin Perez (Wordsmith)
DD[8]: Sylvia Isabel Perez (ishild)
DS3[7]: Alonzo Harrison Perez (AhaRememo)DD2[32]: Lydia Helen Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[34]: Paul Isaiah Driftwood (jessica_p)
DS[2]: Sam Alexander Driftwood
DD[2]: Ruby Hannah Driftwood
Male Dog[3]: BenDS2[29]: Emil Matthias James Boone (lanaaaaa_d)
DW[29]: Sophie Alexina Byrne (Guest)
DS1[7]: Augustus Martin Boone (Wordsmith)
DD1[4]: Sara Evangeline Boone (AhaRememo)
DD2[2]: Julia Madeleine Boone
DS2[0]: Nicholas David Boone
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DH[62]: Jesse Cuthbert Boone (skinnyminnie)
DW[66]: Florence Hildegarde Phoebe Cuypers-Boone (Wordsmith)
Female Cat[3]: RositaDS1[37]: Carl Marcellus "Rooster" Boone III (cher529s & Story)
DW[41]: Teresa Marilyn Capello (jessica_p)
DD1[13]: Jacqueline Audrey Boone (Wordsmith)
DS[11]: Adam Joseph Boone (Guest)
DD2[7]: Leonora Mary Boone (jessica_p)DD1[34]: Daphne Juliana Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[38]: Clinton Gabriel Perez (Wordsmith)
DS1[12]: Edmund Lucien Perez (ari.)
DS2[10]: Wallace Franklin Perez (Wordsmith)
DD[8]: Sylvia Isabel Perez (ishild)
DS3[7]: Alonzo Harrison Perez (AhaRememo)DD2[32]: Lydia Helen Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[34]: Paul Isaiah Driftwood (jessica_p)
DS[2]: Jesse Erasmus Driftwood
DD[2]: Eleanor Elizabeth Driftwood
Male Dog[3]: YodaDS2[29]: Emil Matthias James Boone (lanaaaaa_d)
DW[29]: Sophie Alexina Byrne (Guest)
DS1[7]: Augustus Martin Boone (Wordsmith)
DD1[4]: Sara Evangeline Boone (AhaRememo)
DD2[2]: Nadia Beulah Boone
DS2[0]: Christian Jeremie Boone (after John Jeremie)
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DH[62]: Jesse Cuthbert Boone (skinnyminnie)
DW[66]: Florence Hildegarde Phoebe Cuypers-Boone (Wordsmith)
Female Cat[3]: EsmeraldaDS1[37]: Carl Marcellus "Rooster" Boone III (cher529s & Story)
DW[41]: Teresa Marilyn Capello (jessica_p)
DD1[13]: Jacqueline Audrey Boone (Wordsmith)
DS[11]: Adam Joseph Boone (Guest)
DD2[7]: Leonora Mary Boone (jessica_p)DD1[34]: Daphne Juliana Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[38]: Clinton Gabriel Perez (Wordsmith)
DS1[12]: Edmund Lucien Perez (ari.)
DS2[10]: Wallace Franklin Perez (Wordsmith)
DD[8]: Sylvia Isabel Perez (ishild)
DS3[7]: Alonzo Harrison Perez (AhaRememo)DD2[32]: Lydia Helen Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[34]: Paul Isaiah Driftwood (jessica_p)
DS[2]: Cooper D'Arcy Driftwood (named for Gary Cooper and Walter D'Arcy Ryan, respectively
DD[2]: Rosemary Anne Driftwood
Male Dog[3]: YodaDS2[29]: Emil Matthias James Boone (lanaaaaa_d)
DW[29]: Sophie Alexina Byrne (Guest)
DS1[7]: Augustus Martin Boone (Wordsmith)
DD1[4]: Sara Evangeline Boone (AhaRememo)
DD2[2]: Nadia Juliette Boone (middle name for Juliette Gordon Low)
DS2[0]: Burton Darwin Boone (named for Jesse Burton Harrison and Charles Darwin, respectively)
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RositaPeter Nikola Driftwood
Marion Abigail Driftwood
KenobiNadia Josephine Boone
William Vincent Boone
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DámarisCooper Nikola Driftwood (Gary Cooper & Nikola Tesla)
Barbara Abigail Driftwood
HanAlisa Margaret Boone (Margaret Mitchell)
Pascal Stafford Boone
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DH[62]: Jesse Cuthbert Boone (skinnyminnie)
DW[66]: Florence Hildegarde Phoebe Cuypers-Boone (Wordsmith)
Female Cat[3]: ChusDS1[37]: Carl Marcellus "Rooster" Boone III (cher529s & Story)
DW[41]: Teresa Marilyn Capello (jessica_p)
DD1[13]: Jacqueline Audrey Boone (Wordsmith)
DS[11]: Adam Joseph Boone (Guest)
DD2[7]: Leonora Mary Boone (jessica_p)DD1[34]: Daphne Juliana Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[38]: Clinton Gabriel Perez (Wordsmith)
DS1[12]: Edmund Lucien Perez (ari.)
DS2[10]: Wallace Franklin Perez (Wordsmith)
DD[8]: Sylvia Isabel Perez (ishild)
DS3[7]: Alonzo Harrison Perez (AhaRememo)DD2[32]: Lydia Helen Boone (Cinnabar)
DH[34]: Paul Isaiah Driftwood (jessica_p)
DS[2]: Gilbert Oliver Driftwood
DD[2]: Marian Rebecca Driftwood
Male Dog[3]: Solo
DS2[29]: Emil Matthias James Boone (lanaaaaa_d)
DW[29]: Sophie Alexina Byrne (Guest)
DS1[7]: Augustus Martin Boone (Wordsmith)
DD1[4]: Sara Evangeline Boone (AhaRememo)
DD2[2]: Tatiana Celestine Boone
DS2[0]: Pascal Erasmus Boone
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