[Opinions] A name I once saw.
I once saw someone who named their kid "Talyr". It's supposed to be a variant of Taylor, I believe.

This message was edited 11/10/2024, 4:25 AM


My exact thoughts.
Obnoxious at its finest, yikes. Regarding Taylor, I only like it on a boy. It's boring for a girl.
I thought it had the short A sound when I first read it. That is a confusing spelling and I've never seen it before. I do like Taylor, though.
I don’t like creative spellings. All you are doing is giving your child a name that sounds the same as every other Taylor in class but that they will have to spend their lives spelling out.
I personally hate when someone spells a normal name in a weird way. I don’t even like Taylor, and this is worse.
I agree with that, when people spell a normal name weirdly without reason (ex, they spell it different in their language) it is really stupid and annoying.
That’s quite atrocious if it’s pronounced the same as Taylor..