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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #544
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [86] John William
DW [89] Adele Jane AbigailDS1 [63] Scott William
DS2 [61] Oliver Paul~~~~~
DS1 [63]
ExSO [64] AzizaDS1 [39] Jude Musad
- DW [39] Gianna Meghann
-- DS [9] Beau Ahsan
-- DD [3] Cora Zaynab*
DW [57] Stephanie Therese DS2 [32] Patrick Noel
- ExW [33] Angela Cozette
-- DS [10] Carson Patrick
- SO [32] Arsenio DS3 [30] August Michael~~~~~
DS2 [61]
ExW [51] Catriona Lillias DS1 [28] Samuel Paul "Sam"
- DW [28] Lidia
-- DD [7] Isla Georgia EmiliaDS2 [25] Christian Isaac Samuel
- DFiancée [22] Stella GraceDD [25] Rebecca Lillias Abigail
- DH [31] Samar
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