[Opinions] What name [or names] can you not stand and why?
I don't know how to put this into a cute little sentence, but what name/names do you absolutely hate? Does the name make you feel a certain emotion? Did a person who you didn't like have it? Do you hate the meaning/association or the spelling? Or do you just hate it for no reason? I could care less about the reasoning, so go wild! [While maintaining some respect for yourself and others. This is not a post meant to offend people with said names]. I'll go first: -Aurelia [I tried so hard to like this name but I just don't. I share the same sentiment towards names like Ophelia, Persephone, Juliet, and Calliope for me]

This message was edited 11/21/2024, 9:57 AM


Persephone I also don't appreciate gender neutral names.

This message was edited 11/23/2024, 6:29 PM

Wyatt and Blair
Naomi, Cooper, Kenslee, Gladys, Brooks, Dylan, Kimber, Gracelyn, Hermione, Indie, Jerome. Bethany

This message was edited 11/22/2024, 6:56 AM

I really don't like Oakley either! It just sounds really weird
A few that come to mind:Harper (Sounds unpleasant)
Brayden (Most of the -Den names, but Brayden/Braiden/Braden is the worst offender. Any name starting with that Bray/Brae sound)
Braxton (This one speaks for itself)
Barbara (Incredibly dated, unpleasant and long since needed to retire)
Poppy (How is this trending in the U.S? HOW? 🤦‍♀️)
Waylon (Sounds dangerous. Lol)
Easton (At least Weston has "Wes" to fall back on)
Grayson & Greyson (Sorry, just never got get the appeal of this name)
Paisley (+ MOST -sley suffix names)
Donald (self-explanatory + personal reasons as well. It's also just blatantly dated as well)
Nova (Makes me think of dentistry)
Michaela & co (Worse if it's spelled as McKayla & such)
Madison & co (Worse if it's spelled with a 'Y'. Madisyn, Madyson, for example)
Melvin (dated and nerdy)

This message was edited 11/22/2024, 11:19 AM

A few:
Ainsley: nasal, sounds unpleasant on either gender.
Hadley: D and L too close to each other, not pleasant on either gender, especially not on girls.
Diggory: unpleasant sound, sounds silly.
Gertrude: unpleasant sound, unfeminine.
Doris: unpleasant sound, unfeminine.
Horace: first syllable, unpleasant sound.
Hortense: first syllable, unpleasant sound, unfeminine.
Horace just reminds me of an infection, like one you would get in your ear, nose, or throat. I don't know why.
Alex (m) is, I think, is the only name I genuinely cannot stand and I’m repulsed whenever I hear it, I literally cringe! I have no idea why though!
Alexander is gorgeous, however.
Alexander just sounds nicer, Alex feels like a nickname honestly.
I think I've grown to hate the trend of names ending in "den". For example, Jayden, Brayden, Caiden, Hayden, Rayden... and on and on. They start to blend together and don't feel original.
I used to love Heidi, like it was on the top of my list, but now I've just drifted away from it, I just don't like the way it sounds or looks anymore. Shirley reminds me of someone will a really high pitched voice [Shrill]