[Games] Autumn NTNB final family
DH(dec): Jesse Cuthbert Boone (skinnyminnie) [81]
DW: Florence Hildegarde Phoebe Cuypers-Boone (Wordsmith) [97]Female Cat (dec.): Luz (Wraith)
DS1: Carl Marcellus "Rooster" Boone III (cher529s & Story) [68]
DW: Teresa Marilyn Capello (jessica_p) [72]DD1: Jacqueline Audrey Boone (Wordsmith) [44]
DBF: Rufus Peter Shen (Guest) [48]
DS1: Cyprian Ira Shen-Boone (Wordsmith) [18]
DS2: Desmond Luigi Shen-Boone (Wordsmith) ([14]
DD: Bonnie Corrinne Shen-Boone (Story) [12]DS: Adam Joseph Boone (Guest) [42]
DW: Amanda Irène Martin (AhaRememo) [41]
DD1: Josianne Clara Boone (Rowena) [8]
DD2: Jillian Clotilde Boone (Cher529s)[2]DD2: Leonora Mary Boone (jessica_p) [38]
DH: Konstantinos "Stan" Demetrios Metaxas (ari.) [36]
DS: Basil Victor Metaxas (Rowena) [9]
DD: Myrtle Veronica Metaxas (AhaRememo) [5]
DD1: Daphne Juliana Boone (Cinnabar) [65]
DH: Clinton Gabriel Perez (Wordsmith) [69]DS1: Edmund Lucien Perez (ari.) [43]
DW: Brooke Haru Matsuda (cher529s) [41]
DD: Frida Brontë Perez (Rowena)[6]DS2: Wallace Franklin Perez (Wordsmith) [41]
DGF: Ana Maria Fernández Reyes (RowenaRavenclaw) [44]
DS1: Florencio Amadeo Perez Reyes (Cher529s) [8]
DD: Cristina Rosario Perez Reyes (AhaRememo) ([6]
DS2: Diego Hiram Perez Reyes (cher529s) [3]DD: Sylvia Isabel Perez (ishild) [39]
DH: Eskinder Lishan Sisay (Story) [39]
DS1: Alexander Rosendo Sisay (Story) [3]
DS2: Felix Bienvenido Sisay (Wordsmith) [1]DS3: Alonzo Harrison Perez (AhaRememo) [38]
DW: Aïcha Nesrine Lamrabet (Wordsmith) [36]
DS: Omar Gabriel Perez (Rowena) [4]
DD2: Lydia Helen Boone (Cinnabar) [63]
DH: Paul Isaiah Driftwood (jessica_p) [65]DS: William Julius Driftwood (ari.) [33]
DW: Rachel Stephanie Bitsui (AhaRememo) [30]
DD: Felicity Mamie Driftwood (Wordsmith) [3]
DS: Lloyd Rudolph Driftwood (Cher529s) [1]DD1: Eleanor Elizabeth Driftwood (cher529s) [33]
DBF: Peter Zebulon Aubert (wordsmith) [35]
DD: Layla Adélie Aubert (Story) [1]DD2: Anita Adelaide Driftwood (RowenaRavenclaw) [28]
DBF: Platon Romanovich Alekseyev (AhaRememo) [25]
female cat: RZA (Story) [7]
Male cat: Vegeta (cher529s) [3]Male Dog (dec.): Yoda (Rowena)
DS2: Emil Matthias James Boone (lanaaaaa_d) [60]
DW: Sophie Alexina Byrne (Guest) [60]DS1: Augustus Martin Boone (Wordsmith) [38]
DW: Fiona Bridget Wilson (jessica_P) [40]
DS1: Keegan Billy Boone (cher529s) [5]
DS2: Cameron David Boone (Story) [5]DD1: Sara Evangeline Boone (AhaRememo) [35]
DBF: Babajide Emmanuel Opeyemi (Cher529s) [37]
DS: Anton Othello Opeyemi (Story) [7]
DD1: Agrippina Diana Opeyemi (Wordsmith) [5]
DD2: Theodora Pearl Opeyemi (Rowena) [2]DD2: Nadia Josephine Boone (Jessica_p) [33]
DH: Norman Matthew Darbinyan (AhaRememo) [31]
DS: Roscoe Johnson Darbinyan (Story) [9]DS2: Pascal Erasmus Boone (Wordsmith) [31]
DW: Chanda Malati Kochhar (cher529s) [28]
DD: Yvette Devi Boone (Story) [3]
DS: Quincy Manoja Boone (Rowena) [1]
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Great fun, thanks for hosting :)
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T'hanks for hosting
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Thanks for hosting! :)
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Thanks for hosting! These are always so funJesse and Florence with Rooster, Daphne, Lydia, and Emil
- Rooster and Teresa with Jacqueline, Adam, and Leonora
-- Jacqueline and Rufus with Cyprian, Desmond, and Bonnie
-- Adam and Amanda with Josianne and Jillian
-- Leonora and Stan with Basil and Myrtle
- Daphne and Clinton with Edmund, Wallace, Sylvia, and Alonzo
-- Edmund and Brooke with Frida
-- Wallace and Ana Maria with Florencio, Cristina, and Diego
-- Sylvia and Eskinder with Alexander and Felix
-- Alonzo and Aïcha with Omar
- Lydia and Paul with William, Eleanor, and Anita, and their dog Yoda
-- William and Rachel with Felicity and Lloyd
-- Eleanor and Peter with Layla
-- Anita and Platon with their cats RZA and Vegeta
- Emil and Sophie with Augustus, Sara, Nadia, and Pascal
-- Augustus and Fiona with Keegan and Cameron
-- Sara and Babajide with Anton, Agrippina, and Theodora
-- Nadia and Norman with Roscoe
-- Pascal and Chanda with Yvette and Quincy
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thank you!
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Thanks for hosting!
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