[Opinions] First names for middle name Astrid
Hello! I'm planning on getting my name changed legally and I've settled on Astrid as a middle name (although, I would be willing to switch it to first if paired with the right other name). However, I'm kind of stuck on a first name. I'm liking names such as Gwendolen, Rhiannon, Stephanie, Eloise, Gladys, and Sabrina. Looking for suggestions (can be from or not from my likes).


Astrid is beautiful choice! I have a second cousin and a colleague who I love named Astrid. Gwendolyn Astrid is my favourite Rhea Astrid
Siobhan Astrid / Shevaun Astrid
Leda Astrid Heidi Astrid / Heidemarie Astrid
Isobel Astrid
Judith Astrid Stelara Astrid
Marjory Astrid “Jory”
Maren Astrid / Mirren Astrid Lilibet Astrid “Lili”
Francine Astrid
Colette Astrid
One of my best friends is Astrid Renee; her daughter is Astrid Marie (my friend didn't pick the middle; the father said if she insisted on giving their child her name, he should like the middle. He picked Marie arbitrarily for no other reason than it's what came to mind..) Her mother is also Astrid Renee, and her grandmother was an Astrid Renata. Her great-grandma was also an Astrid, but I wonder if I was ever told if she had a middle name or what it was. My friend is 4th generation, and her daughter is 5th. (pronounced the native Norwegian pronunciation of AHS-tri, though). Of your ideas, Stephanie Astrid and Eloise Astrid flow the best. Gladys Astrid, Rhiannon Astrid, Sabrina Astrid, and Gwendolen Astrid are all gargled in the mouth at the juxtaposition of sounds. Astrid would be better as the first for some. Astrid Rhiannon sounds pretty. Astrid Eloise and Astrid Gwendolen sound fair enough. I think Astrid's cadence sounds in such a way it is just "easier" as a first name, as so many girl names end in the A sound. Have you considered using it as a first name but using the middle name as some do? Based on your name ideas, here are some other suggestions.

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Maybe Seraphina? Seems like a mix between some of the names to me.
Gwendolen Astrid is nice.Agatha Astrid
Melanie Astrid
Leontine Astrid
Virginia Astrid
Cosima Astrid
Felicity Astrid
Leona Astrid
Leonie Astrid
Celine/Celina Astrid
Margery Astrid
Verena Astrid