[Test] Writing submitted name descriptions for better searching
There are some names where their meaning doesn’t neatly fit into quotations (e.g. some names would normally format into ‘Chandi means “silver”’ while others would be more ‘Envy comes from the English word envy’), but that means if you search for meaning in submitted names, those sorts of names won’t ever appear. Say, if you search “envy jealousy” etc., into the meaning search for submitted names, the name Envy won’t appear. You can use the description search, and in that case that would work fine, but if you were searching for a more common word/term, (like “11”) then you’d get a mountain of unrelated names burying relevant names (in this case the name Eleven).When I submit names, I tend towards the clunkier format of “[X] comes from the English word for “[X]”, which is nonstandard and frankly weird, so other editors (rightfully!) change it to a more proper format, but it recreates this searching issue. Basically, I was wondering if there was some solution for this.______________________________________________
Aspiring writer—I like odd names too much (◡‿◡✿)


This is a good point, and something that I and other editors might not always keep in mind: if a meaning gloss with "double quotes" is not provided then the meaning search will not work. I've changed the Envy entry.