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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #544
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [86] Peter Neil Hayes
DW [89] Adele Dorothy Jane McDaniel DS1 [63] Daniel Neil
DS2 [61] Theodore Wesley~~~~~
DS1 [63] Daniel Neil Hayes
ExSO [64] Rasima Haneef *
DS1 [39] George Rayan Hayes
- DW [39] Lyndsie Gianna DiNapoli -- DS [9] Allen Eesa
-- DD [3] Cora Zaynab ~
DW [57] Camilla Therese Hannigen *
DS2 [32] Lindon Noel Hannigen-Hayes
- ExW [33] Bianca Mabelle Goodman -- DS [10] Wesley Lindon - SO [32] Ruperto Meléndez*
DS3 [30] August Douglas Hannigen-Hayes ~~~~~
DS2 [61] Theodore Wesley Hayes
ExW [51] Ailis Sheona (nee. Closson) Hayes *
DS1 [28] Samuel Wesley Hayes
- DW [28] Lidia Nowicka -- DD [7] Georgia Lucy Emilia *
DS2 [25] Fergus Theodore Hayes
- DFiancée [22] Nina Grace Pritchard *
DD [25] Mhairi Ailis Jane Hayes
- DH [31] Naeem Rajal
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