[Opinions] Matching Korean Sibling Names
Reading the article below, how would you name your children using this naming rule? (using names from any origin, e.g. Alcestis, Alcmene & Alcyone or Melody, Melissa & Melvin). Or to make it more difficult using double names (e.g Marie-Claude, Marie-Rose & Marie-Louise)——
“Why Korean Siblings Often Have Matching NamesYou might have noticed that siblings in Korea often share similar names. Sometimes, even cousins might share similar names. Why is that? (As discussed, most personal names in Korean are composed of two characters. Traditionally, Korean families choose one common character for their same-gender children to share.
So the children would have a common character running throughout their names, accompanied by a unique character to differentiate themselves.For example, a girl named 민지 [Minji] might have sisters named 민아 [Mina] and 민영 [Minyoung]. The shared character is 민 [Min], followed by a unique character for each individual girl.We can extend this custom a step further – to cousins and other relatives. Some families give everyone in the same generation a common character in their names.This concept is called the 돌림자 [dollimja], and known as ‘generation name’ in English. Nowadays, Korean families are a lot more flexible about this concept. Sometimes, they will give their same-gender children a common character in their names, or they will give all their children a common character, regardless of gender. Or they might disregard this practice altogether. In the end, it all depends on what the parents want.”source: https://flexiclasses.com/korean/names/
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
