[Opinions] How do you imagine a Jessica
I mistakenly get called a lot of three or four syllable-names ending in a, but for some reason Jessica takes the cake, possibly because my actual name ends in “ca”? I suppose it would be an appropriate name for me since I’m a xennial, but what’s your impression of a person named Jessica? I wonder if it would suit me.I guess the Shakespearean association does.“Someone once said that it wasn’t so hard to do right; what was hard was to know what was right to do.” William X. Kienzle


All of the Jessicas I've known have been very sweet and intent on helping others. If a Jessica went by Jessie, I'd imagine them to be a tomboy.
I view Jessica is a common-place name. Due to this factor, I can imagine a Jessica to fit many personalities! Though, I think of an active girl who loves to dance and ride horses. She likes to have long, flowing hair (that she often likes to braid, when she's getting dirty) and loves dresses. Maybe rather outspoken, and very stubborn as well.
Mixed feelings.
I don't want to be rude about this name because of my experience, so I will just say that in modern day it's unpleasant.
However, my past association with it from childhood was that of Jessica/Jess, as a country girl who rides on a horse, doesn't dress fancy, is a bit awkward, but is a lovely, honest friend.
I'm sure that you are older than me, so I hope people who call you Jessica by accident think of you as warm, honest, trustworthy, "homegirl", "all sweetness and light", "have both feet on the ground", someone ambitious or with big dreams, somebody who is doing everything to achieve their goal.
Jessica feels youthful and stylish even though it isn't in fashion right now. I know a Jessica who's in her early eighties (her mother and great-aunt were also both named Jessica. They are of Portuguese descent and apparently Jessica was a popular name in Portugal long before it was here.) And I know a Jessica who's about four or five.
Very influenced by a Jessica I knew growing up, and the character of Jessica Wakefield from Sweet Valley: a mean girl name par excellence. Beautiful (or thinks of herself as beautiful) and cruel. High maintenance. Cunning and manipulative. A popular party girl.
Highly intelligent and a diligent worker; good at ballet; well liked, but not popular because of being so good at so many things that people feel alarmed! I see her as a blue-eyed blonde, which is probably not the most Italian appearance - let's just say, conventionally pretty.