[Opinions] Sofielle and Zanden
I came across names Sofielle (f) and Zanden (m) today: what do you think? Neither of them are really my style, so you can be as brutally honest as you like :)~*~*~*~kuin metsäorvokki laaksossa


Not a fan of either.
I don't mind either. Zanden feels a little awkward on my tongue though. I kind of like Sofielle, or at least I find it interesting.
Zanden is really silly and unappealing. Sofielle is adorable but a little too frilly - Sofiel is a better spelling.
I like Zanden for whatever reason. Sofielle is too frilly for my taste and sounds more made-up.
Zanden looks like an improbable typo for Zander, which I don't mind much. Sofielle doesn't convince me: I looked it up to see if it had been recorded here, and it hasn't, but close to where it would have been, there was a male name that astonished me: Seafowl! Sofielle is much better than that, but still not good. Too ornate, and there will be spelling and pronunciation issues.
Don't really like either Sophie and Xander/Zander are better