[Opinions] A brother to James Edward and Paul Henry?
Richard, or
Lucas?Middle name may be Andrew, Robert, or Peter.


I like Thomas Peter and Samuel Peter the best.
All of these names are favorites of mine, except for the name Lucas. My favorite name of the bunch is Richard; it's very classic, has a powerful meaning, and I think the nickname Rick (or Ricky) is wonderful. Seth actually ties for me with Richard (at most favorite name)...if I were to make my own combinations, they'd be Seth Richard, Richard Samuel, Richard Thomas, Andrew Thomas, and Thomas Richard. I don't know if Richard flows with any of your middle names, but I do like Richard Peter quite alright.With your middle name choices, here is what I like the most:
Seth Andrew
Seth Peter
Samuel Peter
Samuel Robert
Thomas Peter
Thomas Andrew
Samuel Thomas
Thomas Andrew fits best to me.
Thomas Peter is my favourite combo. Samuel Peter is my second choice.
I thought George Isaac or Luke something (Philip, Francis?) before I clicked and saw there were specific options.James Edward, Paul Henry...
Thomas Andrew, Lucas Peter, Samuel Peter, Seth Robert
My favorite is Lucas. Lucas Andrew or Lucas Peter.
I think Thomas and Samuel both go very nicely with James and Paul, as well.
Samuel Robert
Thomas Andrew
Seth Peter
Thomas Peter
Samuel Robert
Samuel Peter

Seth Andrew and Samuel Andrew would work nicely with a last name beginning with an "M" giving him the initials S.A.M.Seth Aaron is a nice combo. There was a contestant named Seth Aaron Henderson on Project Runway.
Samuel Peter is the best match in my view.
Richard Peter
I think Seth goes best and one syllable like his brothers or Luke or Mark Mn Andrew to continue royal theme or William, Philip

This message was edited 12/2/2024, 1:38 PM

James, Paul and Luke would work the best, but Luke isn’t on your list! Luke Peter flows nicely. From your list I think Thomas Peter works best. I’d stick with the one syllable theme though.
Lucas Andrew
The only one-syllable name isn't to my taste and, more important, doesn't go well with such very timeless-classic names. Thomas, nn Tom, could work. Otherwise, something like Keith as a mn or fn? Keith Robert, Thomas Peter, Richard Keith.