[Opinions] Babynames of week 48/2024
These are Names another German name website found in Birth Announcements from Germany
Feel free to vote :) and/or tell me what you think of them
* these ones I like/love
Source: www.beliebte-vornamen.de GIRLS:
Charlotte Helga
Malea Miriam Helga
Aurelia Elfriede
Raven Celeste
Skylar Mae *
Juna Elara *
Luna Violetta *
Ylvie Snow *
Elora Hadiza
Nika Martina
Hope Esmé Matilda
Lioba *
Sumeya Morina
Amedeea IlincaBOYS:
Konrad Friedrich
Leonhard Jakob
Peter Silas
Konrad Moritz
Friedhelm David
Tristan Paul
Ares Apoll
Oskar Harry Karl
Henri Leo
Levi Mattheo – Levi Matteo *
Piet Jari
Lenny Elias ThomasElias Thomas *
Ole Bjarne
Louis Sven
Cody Romeo
Adam & Saad


From the girl names I love Miriam, and think Charlotte, Morina, Elara, Violetta, Elora, Celeste, Elfriede, Hadiza, and Martina are wonderful. As for the boy names I love Peter, Tristan, Paul, Adam, Thomas, Oskar, Jakob, Konrad, and Cody; I also feel that Henri, Leonhard, Friedrich, Leo, Sven, Elias, David, Levi, Bjarne, and Piet are very handsome names.
I love Helga, Elfriede, Violetta, Ilinca, Konrad Friedrich, Peter Silas, and Konrad Moritz.
This week's girls all come in a distant second! Esme and Miriam are the only names I like. The boy names I enjoy are Konrad, Friedrich, Peter, David, Paul and Thomas. Cody and Roselius curdle my blood.