[Opinions] Boy names that we like opinions please
My husband and I are expecting our third child but this is our first boy
Thanks to some suggestions from here and family and friends we like the following names Arlo
Solomon- we were talking about this as a middle name for our boy name choices and we both agreed we liked it enough to put it in as a first name possibilityOur last name is Clarke and our daughters are Thea Evelyn and Mina Josephine


I like Felix the best.
I like Solomon for a middle name. I just don’t care for the nickname “Sol” which might be inevitable, if it was a first name.
Hugo is nice, and would be my next pick.
I like Cal, but not Calvin, so I vote no on that. I like some alliteration, but Calvin Clarke is a little too much for me.
Arlo and Oscar tie for last place. I just don’t care for the sounds of it and I think the others sound better with Thea and Mina.
Oscar is too Oscar the Grouch, for me.
I love Arlo and Solomon.
I like Oscar and Hugo.
I'm neutral on Calvin and Felix. Arlo Solomon or Solomon Oscar are my favorite combos.
Felix, Oscar and Solomon are all names I love. Hugo, Calvin and Arlo are all fine too, though not favourites of mine personally. To go with your daughters names I like Oscar Solomon or Hugo Solomon the best.
Congrats!Oscar is my favourite from your list. I like Calvin as a name, but I'd steer clear of it with your surname - Calvin Clarke sounds a little bit like Calvin Klein imo Your daughters' names are lovely btw!
I think that Hugo Solomon would fit the nicest with his siblings, and I like it the most with Solomon. I do prefer the names Oscar, Solomon, and Calvin to Hugo, but Hugo is both classy and handsome!
Early on I planned on naming my first Felix, but changed my mind and he ended up with Hugo instead. So I obviously like those. Arlo and Oscar are also okay.If you want to keep the 4-letter theme my choice would be Arlo, I think it sounds better with Thea and Mina than Hugo does.
Congratulations!With Thea and Mina, I think Felix works the best - it's also my favorite in general. Solomon is great too, but maybe a little less cohesive with your girls' names.
I like Felix and Solomon best. For combos, I really like Oscar Solomon Clarke - fun, vintage, and jazzy, fits perfectly with Thea and Mina.
I like Arlo and Hugo the best, and Arlo seems to me to sound and look better with Clarke than Hugo does. Arlo Solomon Clarke is very stylish!
Nice mix of names. Your girls' names seem kind of jazzy to me and for that vibe, I'd pick Oscar or Felix. Calvin fits too and could be cute but seems comparatively straitlaced to me and has a silly meaning. Arlo is fun because it seems modern but also magical-historical because of The Faerie Queen. Hugo seems dashing and has a nice meaning but I think is the one I'd be least likely to pick. Solomon is the most serious seeming and is one of my personal favs, but I think it fits better with the girls' names as a MN.

This message was edited 12/6/2024, 9:37 PM

I like Arlo, Calvin, and Oscar. Calvin is probably my favorite.
Hugo Solomon Clarke works.
If you want to keep the 4 letter theme, Hugo is good. Otherwise Calvin Ezra would be nice too or Luca

This message was edited 12/6/2024, 3:35 PM