[Opinions] Opinions please on name for a plush (for my little sister)
My little sister recently got this chicken plush and she asked me, the name enthusiast, about what to name him. I’m used to finding names from human or human-like characters so this is tricky for me. Any suggestions are helpful, I really want to give her advice that’s perfect 😍


What are some of his physical characteristics? I think these are cute names on a rooster: Buster, Leroy, Cletus, Clark (because it sounds like "cluck". Chuck would be another to consider), Rooney, Jed, Jeb, Zeb, Buck, Chomper, Scooter, Terminator, and Wormy.
NuggetPerdueColonel SandersCacciatoreAlfredoBarbie Q
Ernesto.This is what I will name my rooster if I ever get to have one.
That’s amazing I’ll suggest it to her.
That’s amazing I’ll suggest it to her.
That’s amazing I’ll suggest it to her.