[Opinions] Twin Girl Name Opinions
I recently assisted with a baby shower for twin girls. The names the parents have chosen are Clover Claire and Clementine Faire. I thought the names (individually and together) were absolutely darling. However, when I told a couple of friends this, they looked at me like I was nuts. I'm curious to know the opinions of others. Is my baby name radar that far off the mark? Thanks very much!


I love Clover and Clementine is nice too. They do sound cute together, but I’m not really digging the middle names.
I wouldn't use the names personally, and I understand people disliking them. But I agree that they are absolutely darling names! Faire is a cool middle name, and it's cute how it matches with Claire, though I know some might find that too matchy-matchy.
I understand why many dislike the pair but I think they’re fine! I like both names individually, they are definitely cutesy, especially together but they really aren’t bad at all. Clementine is a classic imo and Clover is not much different from Heather or Daisy. I don’t like the middles though.
I like the theme, but I think it's a bit too themey for twins, and I don't like the CC initials or C&C twin initials.
I'm really liking the idea of Faire as a middle name with a sort of cute hippie first name. Maybe I'd prefer Clover Faire and Meadow Claire?
I like Clover and Clementine. They feel like a nice summer day.
The names are matchy-matchy, and cute bordering on cutesy.
The problem is that they have no real option to be taken seriously and this could be an issue as they get older.
For most people, most of life is spent in adulthood.But, Clo and Clem could be truncated enough nicknames for adults.

This message was edited 12/10/2024, 3:48 PM

Claire and Clementine would have been darling. I think it would have been better if the middle names didn't rhyme. Clover and Clementine is pretty twee, but it would be bearable if the middle names weren't so cutesy. Cutesy names seem sad to me - like the parents think their children are jokes. It's not very respectful.
*gags, dry-heaves, spits*Your radar does need to be recalibrated at the factory.The names are sickly-sweet, rhymey, and like a pair of dairy cows. They remind me of the set I saw mentioned on the long-defunct "Baby's Named a Bad Bad Thing" website: Panda Bair and Poopsie Deer."
Clover Claire - I don't like Clover all that much. I also like the combination of the cl and cl sound. Claire is a good name though; I'd use it as a first name.Clementine Faire- I think they're both good. Although Clementine, and Faire do kind of have different styles in my opinion.

This message was edited 12/10/2024, 12:32 PM

The only name i like is Claire
Clover seems best suited to a farm animal. Claire is OK, though I much prefer Clare; however I don't enjoy the alliteration of Clover Claire and then Clover and Clementine. Clementine is all right, though there are pronunciation issues (eyen or een). Faire? What's that -e doing there? I'd rather have them drop both -e endings and have Clair and Fair. I find Fair/Faire extremely silly, but if the parents love it, it's better in the mn position than used as a fn.
Never thought of Faire for a middle name, it's pretty cute!I like them both individually but thing together it's a tad cutesy. That being said they won't always be next to each other and I do think if those were her two favorite names she should use them. :)
I'm sorry but I'm not a fan of those names. Clover should not be a name for a human. I don't like the alliteration of Clover Claire. I've also never liked Clementine, and I don't like the middle name Faire.