[Games] Ari's December NTNB #1
Hope you're not bored of these yet! This was suggested by Darkbone :)

H (29)FN: Spanish, 3 syllables long. He goes by a short, friendly nickname.
LN: hyphenated. The first surname is Korean, the second is Spanish and 2 syllables long.W (28)FN: Igbo and easy to pronounce in English.
MN: Igbo and very long (at least 9 letters), difficult to pronounce in English.
LN: Gujarati.

_____ was born in New York City, the son of a Korean mother and a Puerto Rican father. He is an architect who focuses on revitalising neglected urban spaces. He loves salsa dancing and travel. During his many holidays, which his lucrative job helps him afford, he always carries a vintage camera, which he uses to photograph ordinary citizens of the cities he visits._____ was born in London, the daughter of Nigerian mother and Indian father. She is a journalist and documentary film maker who travels the world to document the stories of migrants. She loves poetry and often attends spoken-word performances in her free time.They met three years ago, at an urban art festival in Barcelona. _____ was covering the event for a documentary on grassroots art movements, and _____ was there as a tourist, photographing the festival's temporary installations.They struck up a conversation, and soon, they were having late-night discussions about art and spontaneous salsa sessions in city squares. They got engaged after two years of dating, and have just tied the knot.While they both travel a lot - together and separately - they live in Barcelona, where they met. They are renting a flat in El Poblenou: a gentrified neighbourhood close to beautiful beaches.

masculine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124079
feminine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124080

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 1:09 AM

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dh (29) javier park-torres 'javi'
dw (28) amara nwanneka (joshi) park-torres
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Arcadio “Ari” Kim-Diaz
Nnenna Nwankasiobi Thakur
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Rafael Lee-Castro "Rafa"
Ebele Onyinyechukwu Deshpande
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H (29): Benjamín "Benny" Moon-Crespo
W (28): Amara Onyinyechi Chaudhary
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H (29) Ciceron "Ron" Moon-Ortiz
W (28) Adanna Onyinyechi Desai
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H (29) Ricardo Yun-Gomez “Rico
W (28) Akunna Ogechukwukamma Chaudhari
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Virgilio 'Gil' Han-TorresChichi Ekenedilichukwu Gandhi
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NTNBs are my favorite name games, and yours always have just the right amount of detail, so I'm definitely not bored yet! :DH (29) Valentín "Tino" Shin-Márquez
W (28) Uju Ekenedilichukwu Patel
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H (29) Eduardo "Eddie" Kim-Torres
W (28) Chika Onyinyechi Bhandari

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 11:13 AM

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H (29) Rafael “Rafi” Jang-Robles
W (28) Adamma Nkemdilim Khatri

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 7:01 AM

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Definitely not bored! :)H (29): Osvaldo "Ozzy" Lee-Silva
W (28): Adanna Ekenedilichukwu Rathwa

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 5:56 AM

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Yay! I always love your storytelling! ⭐️
H (29) Adonay “Don” Cha-Leon W (28) Dami Onyinyechi* Vyas* gift of God
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Certainly not! I love these games. I'm amazed this was suggested to you yesterday and you already have it up and running.H (29) Francisco "Kiko" Jung-RuizW (28) Amara Nkechinyere Joshi
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