[Games] Christmas Home (2)
Bark the Herald, Angels Sing!
🎄Previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5556904

Your dog greets you at the door. Which dog is yours?
THE PARENTS DOGThe dog’s breed is your favourite breed 1) His/her name is one of Santa’s reindeers
2) His/her name is a Christmas food
3) His/her name is a name from the nativity story
4) His/her name is Christmas word (Merry, Carol, Tinsel etc)
5) His/her name is a Christmas plant (Mistletoe, Heleborus, Holly etc)
6) His/her name is from a Muppet’s Christmas Carol
7) His/her name is from Father Christmas’s country: Finland
8) His/her name is based on a classic Christmas singer or song (Bing Crosby, Navidad, Partridge etc)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 3:25 AM

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DW: Wrenly Rosalyn Harrow (nee Evans) “Wren”
DH: Anthony Thomas HarrowDDog (terrier): MarikaWren & Anthony Harrow
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DH: Raffaele Ulderico Drago
DW: Osanna Leandra (Farro) DragoDog: Dasher, a Blackmouth Cur mix
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DH: Derick Axel Sanderson
DW: Harriet Emilia (Roberts) SandersonDog: Holly
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DW: Shania Lorraine Edison
DW: Iphigeneia Gregoria Hollis
DDog: Christmas Pudding "Pudding"Shania & Iphigeneia
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DH: Roman Urijah Davison
DW: Olivie Lorelei {Forster} DavisonGolden Retriever: Juniper (f)
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dw: Ayleen Demetria Valor
dh: Evers Niles Tysondog: ArneAyleen + Evers | Arne
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DH: Baldwin Arthur Urquhart
DW: Beatrice Leah Evans
Male Dog: Gaspard
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H: Dexter Abraham Sharpe
W: Hazel Eve RileyLabrador: Otto
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DH: Walter Reese Everly
DW: Adelaide Tamara {Hewitt} Everly Dog (Pug): Eartha
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DH: Anthony David Vaughn “Tony”
DW: Evangeline Nora [Taylor] Vaughn “Eva”DDog Golden Retriever: Holly
Tony & Eva Vaughn with dog Holly
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DH: Rudyard Ulric Durant
DW: Ophelia Linnaea Durant, née FenwickDDog [goldendoodle]: Ivy DurantRudyard & Ophelia; + Ivy
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The St. Aubin Family!The St. Aubin FamilyH: Daniel Alexander St. Aubin
W: Heather Evelyn (Reed) St. AubinBichon Frise: Rizzo
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(I chose number 7)DH: Rodney Ulrich Dussel
DW: Odetta Louise Franklin-DusselDDog: Aarni (meaning "Treasure," which I think makes a cute and sweet dog name for him)
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DH: Rufus Ulysses Dawson
DW: Opal Lisette (Foster) DawsonDog: Mistletoe "Missy"
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Rhea Ursula (Denson) & Orion Leonardo (Foster)Dog: Kaapo
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DH: Rowland Ulysses Davenport
DW: Olivia Louise (Finley) DavenportDDog (golden retriever): Holly
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Grey Edmund Ripley
Margot Anaïs Nevelsondog - Carey
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DP: Marlowe Asa Neill-Rogers
DW: Gisele Estela Neill-RogersDDog: AdaMarlowe and Gisele, and their dog Ada
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SO: Rufus Ulf Dahlman
SO: Olivette Lilian "Livie" FieldsDDog: Oona (Irish Setter)
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H: David Augustus Shaffer
W: Harper Elena ReynoldsDog: TuulikkiDavid & Harper, and their dog Tuulikki (Tuuli).
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DW: Siobhann "Vonny" Lydielle [Egbert] Haubert [cis lesbian woman; she/her]
DW: Ilsa "Elle" Georgianne [Haus] HaubertDDog: Melchior "Mel" [Newfoundland]
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DW: Morgana Amelie (Noble) Reynell
DH: Garth Edwin ReynellDog: Cherry
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W: Rowena Ursa {Douglas} Douglas-Fir
H: Osric Levi {Fir} Douglas-FirDog: Lumi the Samoyed
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DH: Alexander Daniel Vernon "Alex"
DW: Elizabeth Noelle Thompson Vernon "Ellie"DDog: Blue Vernon (Shih-Tzu)

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 3:34 PM

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DH: Douglas Anthony Steele
DW: Hattie Evelyn RussellCavalier King Charles Spaniel: Sami
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DH: Donovan Aaron Saunders
DW: Holly Emma (Ross) Saunders*Dog: Waldorf
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H: Robin Ulysses Dennehy
W: Odetta Liane [Fabela] DennehyDog: Maija [F, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel]Robin & Odetta

This message was edited 12/11/2024, 2:32 PM

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DH: Aran Dídac Vivas
DW: Ester Nerea “Esti” TorrontegiDDog: Petri Vivas-Torrontegi
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Mario Angel ❤️ Gabrielle Eve (née Rudolph) Wellington, the Doberman [Mario & Gabrielle || Wellington]
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H: Malachi Ambrose Norwood
W: Georgiana Elizabeth Redmond 𓃢: Fozziwig (Irish Setter)
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dw : daisy annabelle schilling-rousseau
dw : harriet emma schilling-rousseauddog : ivy schilling-rousseau
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H: Rudolf Ulrich "Rudy" Drexler
W: Olimpia Ludovica ForlaniGreyhound: Melchior "Melky"
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