[Games] Women in Art History (3)
previous round: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5557876

This Round: Artemisia Gentileschi 1593-1656In an era when women had few opportunities to pursue artistic training or work as professional artists, Gentileschi was the first woman to become a member of the Accademia di Arte del Disegno in Florence and she had an international clientele. She is now regarded as one of the most progressive and expressive painters of her generation.
Choose your favourite Artemisia Gentileschi painting
1) Allegory of Inclination (1615)
2) Mary Magdalene (1616–1618)
3) Esther Before Ahasuerus (late 1620s – 1630s)
4) Judith and Her Maidservant (c. 1623–1625)
5) Christ Blessing the Children (1624)
6) Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting (1638)
7) Bathsheba (c. 1645–1650)
8) Triumph of Galatea, The
The names are Ancient Greek, like Artemisia‘s first name 1) Agape Photine Kallisto Hesperie Antigone Parthena Nike Boeo Demostrate Theophania
2) Iassa Agatha Rhode Kleonike Timothea Aphrodisia Philoclea Nympha Callixena Eirene
3) Euanthe Cleona Agathe Roxana Laodice Xanthe Chariclea Thana Nymphodora Issa
4) Xenia Euphemia Rhodine Aikaterine Sappho Leontia Kallia Chrysanthe Epaphrodita Olympias
5) Ophelia Zenobia Gaiana Megisto Alcinoe Sophia Lysandra Eryxo Cleopatra Artemisia
6) Aletheia Pelagia Charis Glaphyra Zephyria Alexandra Thaïs Lysistrate Heraclea Cléopâtra
7) Demetria Ammonia Philomena Corinna Helena Melantho Ambrosia Theano Melissa Opora
8) Kassandra Dionysia Helena Myrrhine Euphrasia Photina Irene Nikaia Anatolia Theokleia
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf
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DH: Faes Reyer Van Hool
DW: Corelia Jesmonda Van Hool (nee Maitani)DD: Heraclea Charis Van HoolFaes & Corelia Van Hool: Heraclea
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DH: Oric Augustiin Delacroix
DW: Corelia Agnesina (Bramante) DelacroixDD: Kallisto Photine Delacroix
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DH: Augustiin Domaes Oric Van de Velde
DW: Vivinna Junipera CastelnuovoDD: Thaïs Alexandra Castelnuovo Van de Velde
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DH: Kiel Gervaes Lefevre
DW: Felice Moreta (Verdone) Lefevre DD: Xenia Rhodine Lefevre
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DH: Josken Ignaes Deckers
DW: Liona Felice ArietiDD: Kallia Leontia Arieti
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DH: Oric Domaes Bordet
DW: Soave Belhonor CastelnuovoDD: Kallia Rhodine Bordet
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DH: Wolfaert Regnerus Bruegel
DW: Soave Ymilia Fontana
DD1: Aikaterine Kallia BruegelWolfaert, Soave, and Aikaterine Bruegel
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DH: Vrederick Josken Palm Becue
DW: Bellacara Cherubina DeodatoDD: Nike Boeo BecueVrederick Becue and Bellacara Deodato with Nike
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DH: Tisken Domaes Rodenbach
DW: Fiordelise Adaleta Ricci Rodenbach "Elise"
DD1: Charis Zephyria Ricci RodenbachTisken & Elise
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DH: Crystiaen Marquert Vandevelde
DW: Soliana Bellacara Vandevelde, née NazzariDD1: Alcinoe Zenobia VandeveldeCrystiaen & Soliana; Alcinoe
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DH: Abbo Isebrand Magritte
DW: Malgarita Nepoleona (nee. Petrini) MagritteDD: Parthena Theophania
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DH: Vrederick Garbrant Solvay “Ricky
DW: Ymilia Castella {Marconi} SolvayDD: Kallia Euphemia Solvay
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The De Sauvage Family!The De Sauvage FamilyH: Rickwin Domaes De Sauvage, "Rick"
W: Liona Felice (Brazzi) De SauvageD1: Xenia Rhodine De Sauvage
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DH: Heineken Abbo Joseph
DW: Aidelina Vivinna BuzzancaDD: Charis Alexandra Joseph
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DH: Renerus Daem Benoit
DW: Mirabel Orsetta Peppe-Benoit
DD1: Charis Pelaiga Benoit
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DH: Leyn Gervaes Rysbrack
DW: Sancta Felice da CortonaDD: Timothea Rhode Rysbrack
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H: Tisken Oric De Theux
W: Bellacara Soliana Valentino De TheuxD: Helena Melissa De Theux
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DH: Niclaes Reyer Timmermans
DW: Nera Soliana (Petrucci) TimmermansDD: Charia Aletheia Timmermans
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DH: Mathise Ignaes Vieuxtemps
DW: Adaleta Fiordelise Piranesi
DD: Zephyria Lysistrate
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DH: Rickwin Augustiin Delacroix "Rick"
DW: Vivinna Bettisia [Nazzari] Delacroix "Vivi"DD: Callixena Eirene Delacroix "Callie"Rick & Vivi Delacroix: Callie
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DH: Mathise Ignaes Hepburn
DW: Vivinna Junipera Caselli Hepburn "Vivi"DD: Alexandra Charis Hepburn "Alex"
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DH: Reyer Claesken Schoepen
DW: Liona Felice [Fontana] SchoepenDD: Chysanthe Aikaterine Schoepen
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Coper Mathise Thys ❤️ Abondancia Guillelma Leonoria (née Baseggio)
Demetria Ambrosia Melantho [Coper & Abondancia || Demetria]
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DH: Josken Han “Jos” Rubens
DW: Nera Iunone Gabrieli
DD1: Gaiana Eryxo Rubens
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DH: Matthys Wolfaert Zingaretti Boudewijn [pansexual trans man; he/him]
DW: Belhonor "Bella" Fiordelise Zingaretti Boudewijn [biromantic demisexual cis woman; she/her] DD: Anatolia "Tully" Myrrhine Zingaraetti Boudewijn [IVF]
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DH: Jannes Raes Van Noten
DW: Napoleona Patientia Rigamonti
DD1: Roxana Agathe Van Noten
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H: Augustiin Oric Van Miert
W: Adelagia Soliana RinucciniD: Agatha Callixena RinucciniAugustiin & Adelagia; Agatha.
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DH: Matthys Kerstant Lemonnier
DW: Adelagia Nera BragagliaDD: Thaïs Heraclea Lemonnier
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H: Augustiin Niclaes Zimmer
W: Patientia Fiordelise {Stradivari} ZimmerD: Zephyria Heraclea
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DH: Augustiin Reyer Van Zeeland
DW: Tessina Cristofana Caspanello DD: Euphemia Aikaterine Van Zeeland
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dh: Oric Faes Augustiin De Wilde
dw: Moreta Felice Honesta Da Comodd: Alexandra Aletheia
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DH- Augustiin Heynric Claiborne
DW- Agnesina Zelante CorelliDD- Alexandra Thaïs
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Coenraed Otten Wolfaert De Wilde
Argentina Vituccia Felice AccorsiIassa Kleonike Eirene
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H: Ignaes Rubbe De Vlaeminck
W: Agnesina Temperantia PalladioD: Xenia Leontia De Vlaeminck
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DH: Matthys Coenraed Franck
DW: Dianora Michelotta CarracciDD: Chrysanthe Euphemia Carracci-Franck
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H: Caspaer Palmarius Bruegel
W: Mirabel Verdiana CardinaleD: Euphemia Sappho Bruegel
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DH: Reyer Augustiin De Smet
DW: Nera Iunone (Palladio) De SmetDD: Nike Kallisto De Smet
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6) Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting (1638)H: Vulfric Isebrand Maeterlinck
W: Prudenzia Altabella [Schiaffino] MaeterlinckD: Zephyria Heraclea Maeterlinck
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