[Surname] Stepan Bandera
Where did Bandera's last name come from? The one on the site is listed as Spanish and Italian. Bandera was a Ukrainian nationalist born in Austria-Hungary (contained the Lvivska, Zakarpatska, and Ivano-Frankivska regions of current Ukraine- Bandera was born in the modern day Ivano-Frankivska region) so I don't know how the last name got there. It could be the same one, but it might be different. Could someone tell me if it's the same last name or if it's different, and if so what does it mean? According to Forebears, there are 16,456 Banderas in the world, and 32 of them are Ukrainian (21 of the 32 live in Lviv). There are 223 in Poland and 286 in Russia. The majority are in Italy, Colombia, and Spain.
https://forebears.io/surnames/banderaStepan Bandera if anyone doesn't know who he is:
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Stepan Bandera’s last name may have been derived from a common surname used in the Austro-Hungarian region where he was born, with possible Spanish or Italian connections. However, it seems unlikely that his surname directly relates to the political or symbolic meaning of the word "Bandera" (flag/banner) as it is understood in Spanish or Italian contexts. The presence of Bandera surnames in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, and other countries indicates that surnames in Eastern Europe were often influenced by various linguistic and cultural factors. The surname Bandera is likely the same surname as the one found in Spain and Italy, but it may have had different connotations and meanings in the Ukrainian context.
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We determined that it's because it's also Polish (Rare)
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Bandera means "flag" in Polish, and Western Ukraine was historically influenced by Polish culture and language.
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I also know that his mother was Polish so his father being Polish or part Polish would make sense I speak Ukrainian and the word for flag is "прапор (prapor)" hence why I didn't make any connection
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