[Games] New Year NTNB 4
1999:DH (35): Theodore “Teddy” Julian Whitmore (ari.)
DW (36): Marie-Louise Lindbeck (hyacinthe)
DS1 (5): Anders Franklin Whitmore (ari.)
DS2 (2): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore (Rowena)
DD1 (nb):
DS3 (nb):Teddy has left his job. According to him, he was passed over for a promotion in favour of the owner’s son and couldn’t bear the indignity so he simply walked out. Marie-Louise is furious about this, especially as the loss of his income has forced them to sell their beautiful house and downsize. The location is actually more convenient for her commute to work, but this is particularly essential as she is now the family breadwinner. Teddy has found a new job working in his brother’s picture framing shop, a job that is far from well-paid, but provides a handy place for Anders to go after school. Working there has provided a new outlet for Teddy’s creativity and he has started painting as a hobby, though he refuses to let anyone see his work.Anders has now started school and is making friends on the playground, but is developing a more serious streak at home. In classic oldest child fashion, he accepts responsibility for keeping his mother’s spirits up, encouraging his father not drink too much when he goes out, making sure his parents aren’t left alone together to avoid arguments, and distracting his little brother if all of that fails. He has inherited his father’s interest in music, although he lacks the patience for an instrument and prefers to sing. Teddy has been trying to encourage his talent, but Anders refuses to sing anywhere that people can hear him.Dylan, affectionately called ‘little DJ’, is the opposite. He is a very rambunctious toddler who can barely make it through one day without getting into trouble. He now attends nursery school and terrorises his favourite staff member by treating her as a climbing frame, and also enjoys trying to escape his caregivers as a game to see how long it takes for anyone to stop him. He adores Anders and attempts to follow him everywhere, including into the little family band Teddy has tried to create. Dylan has been given the role of pianist, although his efforts currently consist of slamming the keys in a manner unlike any symphony known to man.The news that the Whitmore family would grow was accepted with a great deal more enthusiasm by the children than by the parents, especially when it was revealed that twins would be joining the household. Marie-Louise was quietly fearful about how they might afford two babies, and four children altogether, in their current circumstances. Teddy assured her that they are far from financial ruin and, with his flexible schedule, one of them will always be available to take care of the little ones. He even offered to give up work for a year in order to be available full-time, though this offer was not appreciated.The two new Whitmores, including the family’s first daughter, arrived in March 1999. Teddy wanted to take the opportunity to honour his mother (as it is the first opportunity available) and his father (as his father-in-law already got the chance), but Marie-Louise demanded the right to choose both names, with Teddy’s contribution being limited to the middle names.*DD1 will receive a French name with a Greek or Latin origin. Her middle name is an elderly sounding Irish name to honour her paternal grandmother.DS3 will receive a name that is used in France, England and Sweden. His middle name is after his paternal grandfather, a stern and formal English name.
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DD1: Victoria Deidre Whitmore
DS3: Axel Phillip Whitmore
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DD1: Léontine Derval Whitmore
DDS3: Lucas Montgomery Whitmore
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Agnès "Nessa" Báirbre Whitmore
Martin Clarence Whitmore
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DH (35): TheodoreTeddyJulian Whitmore (ari.)
DW (36): Marie-Louise Lindbeck (hyacinthe)
DS1 (5): Anders Franklin Whitmore (ari.)
DS2 (2): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore (Rowena)
DD1 (nb): Céline Bridget Whitmore
DS3 (nb): Julian Charles Whitmore
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1999DH (35): TheodoreTeddyJulian Whitmore
DW (36): Marie-Louise Lindbeck
DS1 (5): Anders Franklin Whitmore
DS2 (2): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore
DD1 (nb): Cécile Myrna Whitmore
DS3 (nb): Hugo Virgil Whitmore
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Eugenie Biddy Whitmore
Samuel Barnaby Whitmore
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Delphine Moira
Elias Harold
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Céleste Mairéad Whitmore
Lucas Edward Whitmore
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Aglaé Deirdre Whitmore
David Geoffrey Whitmore
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DH (35): Theodore “Teddy” Julian Whitmore (ari.)
DW (36): Marie-Louise Lindbeck (hyacinthe)
DS1 (5): Anders Franklin Whitmore (ari.)
DS2 (2): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore (Rowena)
DD1 (nb): Cécile Kathleen Whitmore
DS3 (nb): Vincent Bernard Whitmore
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DH (35): Theodore “Teddy” Julian Whitmore (ari.)
DW (36): Marie-Louise Lindbeck (hyacinthe)
DS1 (5): Anders Franklin Whitmore (ari.)
DS2 (2): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore (Rowena)
DD1 (nb): Claudette Dymphna Whitmore
DS3 (nb): Emil Raymond Whitmore
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Vivienne Mairead Whitmore
Leon Percival Whitmore
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DH (35): Theodore “Teddy” Julian Whitmore (ari.)
DW (36): Marie-Louise Lindbeck (hyacinthe)
DS1 (5): Anders Franklin Whitmore (ari.)
DS2 (2): Dylan Jeremy Whitmore (Rowena)
DD1 (nb): Lucie Dervla Whitmore
DS3 (nb): Jonas Harold Whitmore
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