[Opinions] can i use the name trifko?
hihihi idk where this should go but uhrecently i found the name trifko which i really, really like (i've been thinking of naming myself it). the problem is that i found the name through this long-dead chap named trifko grabez, who was involved in the assassination of franz ferdinand. now, i don't want to be associated with trifko grabez whatsoever, i purely like the name, completely separated from the person. but would it be bad to call myself trifko? i don't know if i'm overreacting or not, but any help would be greatly appreciated!!


I just don't like the name. Sorry
i mean that's fair lmao, we all have our own opinions yk?
You have to find out if other people are named Trifko or if this is a one-off or nearly so kind of name. I never heard the name before just now, to me it doesn't even sound like a person. It sounds like a manufacturer of tech products maybe.
Trifko is a diminutive of Trifun; both are used in the Balkan countries. It's not a one-off.
I wouldn't have a problem with calling someone Trifko.

This message was edited 1/27/2025, 2:59 PM

I’ve never heard of the person you are talking about, so it should be fine.
that's good to hear, thank you!!
I have no idea who Trifko Grabez is. I looked him up on Wikipedia, you mean Trifun "Trifko" Grabež. Is he known widely where you are from?
I don't think it would be an issue unless you live in a former Yugoslav country and the people there still care about him. If it's common there it also isn't a problem, Pavlo (also Pavel) Sudoplatov assassinated Yevhen Konovalets, and there are still Ukrainians called Pavlo. To me I just think of тривкість (tryvkist') "durability" said with a Russian accent. Or Trifon. But a note- I saw in your site activity that your name is Fabiana so I'm assuming you're a girl. Trifko in the Balkans is a masculine name. Trifka would be feminine. Maybe you don't care but I thought I would tell you.
yeah, it's that guy. i live in the uk, so he isn't really all that known here. thank you for helping! :] and for the side note, thank you for the thought!! however i am trans, which is why i was looking at the name in the first place lol^^" but again, thank you for the extra consideration!!
If he isn't known where you live then it shouldn't be a problem. I had not heard of him before you told me about it and I am Eastern European (though not Balkan).If you're looking for a boys name then Trifko being a boys name is good. Another side note though: Trifko is a diminutive. It may not bother you but I thought I would say.
It's OK to use it if you like it that much. It is pleasing; I know quite a lot about Franz Ferdinand's death and its consequences, but I don't remember having seen Trifko before, though I surely must have. So, don't worry that everyone will make the connection. Or, perhaps feminise it and become Trifka: depending on your personal gender, of course.
I agree. I am quite familiar with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, and don't remember the assassins names. I think your fine.
this reply really helps coming from someone who knows a lot about the topic (unlike myself lol), and to hear that it's ok to use is really nice, i was super worried lol ^^"
i would like to keep it as trifko, but thank you for pointing it out :]!!