[Facts] How might I find the England and Wales (Historical) data on Behind the Name?
I know its here, but I can never find it except through happenstance on some names. I'm trying to actively look for it, but every name I type in (Mary, John, Beatrix, Arthur) which might be on the data set, it does not have it on the page. Where can I outright access this?---"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, 198.144.149.xxx) (2020)Formally PrincessZ and Princess Magpie
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Possibly not what you're actually looking for, but lots of fun anyway: https://www.britishbabynames.com/blog/historic-names/
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Ooo thank you! I used to go on there all the time, but 2 laptops and bookmarks later, I had forgetten the website!
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Glad I could help.
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I've noticed it too. It seems to be easier to find them with names that only appear on the historical charts and not on the contemporary charts.Mary, John, Beatrix, and Arthur are all on the contemporary charts. Arthur is very popular in the UK right now. Mary and John are still in the top 1000, though they are nowhere near as popular as they used to be. Beatrix seems to be moderately popular (it was in the top 200 for a couple of years).
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A link to this chart (and others that are considered "secondary" -- Spain by Decade and Berlin, Germany) will now be shown in the Other Regions section on a name's popularity page. This should make this data a bit easier to find.
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Thank you very much :)
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I asked about this a little while back, I believe adding it to the area with the rest on the popularity charts is being worked on. You can access it through individual names if they appear on the historical data but not the current data (for example I always go through Edna in order to access it). :)
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Found the England and Wales (Historical) data - here's the linkhttps://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/england-wales-historical/1904I asked ChatGPT to locate the link for me lmao I was not having good luck searching traditional engines
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I also can never find this list, but I use Shirley to find it. The name needs to be on that list but not on the 1996-2023 list for the graph to show up.
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Medieval England
https://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/england-medieval/13771996; the furthest back after Medieval
https://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/england-wales/1996These can be found if you go to popularity. It's in your menu, or you can use this link:
And then look for "England & Wales" in the country listing. (Note Medieval England is separate from these)

This message was edited 2/2/2025, 11:49 AM

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Omg I didn't know the Medieval one existed! Thank you :)Oh but I'm really looking for the England and Wales data from prior to 1996, I think it started in 1901 and then it's every ten years it's a list of 100 names. I can't quite find it through the link you gaveEdit: Oh but I notice you don't seem to know it's here at all so perhaps its not available through the way you gave

This message was edited 2/2/2025, 12:23 PM

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