[Opinions] Ptolemy
i left my house and went to a place today, and here are some names i encountered on people:
Kostantin (it could have been Konstantin and I read the name tag wrong)plus two very young ladies named Gertie and Ellen, which I found a little unexpectedwdyt?

This message was edited 2/2/2025, 4:11 PM


Ptolemy is a powerful name but not one I’d give to a child. It’s almost too much to live up to as are names like Napoleon and Maximilian. Lynx is an animal. Can’t see naming a person that .Magalie is different. It’s not a bad name but I prefer Magdalena. Konstantin is a nice name for those who wish to honor Greek or Slavic heritage. There was a child at my school named Constantine Joseph but he went by CJ. Don’t like Gertie. Ellen is nice and due for a comeback. It’s a nice change from Ella and Ellie which are almost too popular now.
Ptolemy - big yikes here for me on a real person. Sounds like a name you might give a cartoon cat on a Cartoon Network show.Lynx - ....yikes.Magalie - I've encountered Magalie before, it's a French version of Magdalene. Not a huge fan, but it's fine.Kostantin - Not a fan of any of the names in the Constantine family.Ellen - Lovely in theory.Gertie - Gertrude is a guilty pleasure that I wouldn't ever want to give a child because it sounds so dated... maybe it'll make a comeback. But I love it in theory. Gertie on its own though... nope.
I like Ptolemy pronounced ptoh-leh-meey (audible p).Lynx is an animal.Magalie is interesting, it sounds French. I see that it is a French form of Magdalena. I prefer Magdalena but Magalie is a nice name as well.Konstantin is nice, this spelling looks best in Latin letters but from pronounciation and Cyrillic spelling I prefer Kostyantyn.Gertie is okay, I don't like diminutive full names but maybe her full name was Gertrude and you just saw/heard her nickname. Gertrude has a great meaning :) I like the German and French pronunciations. Ellen is nice. I prefer other variants (Helena, Olena, Yelena) but Ellen is a great name as well.
Ptolemy sounds like a medical procedure. I only like Konstantin and Ellen from these names.
Ptolemy is cool, I like Lynx on a pet, and I don’t like how prominent “MAGA” is in Magalie. I love Helen, but not Ellen.
Ptolemy's one of my favourites, nice to know there's one out there. I've always thought it sounds quite young and accessible.
Ptolemy is so cool. I'm a fan.
Lynx is cheap bodyspray.
Magalie is fine. I prefer Magali. I find any objection to the Maga- being like MAGA weirdly America-centric.
I have bad associations with Konstantin and don't much like Kostantin.
Gertie and Ellen are unexpected, but neither are my style.
I can't wrap my head around Ptolemy. I think it sounds too medical to be a human name, like it's the name for a muscle or something.Lynx is very interesting. I've recently discovered that I really like animal names on humans so I like this one.Magalie is cute but I don't like how "Maga" is in it and is very clearly pronounced.Kostantin/Konstantin is a great name. Could be a more interesting long-form for Stan than Stanley or Stanford.Gertie and Ellen are cute. I don't like them individually but together they're nice.
Ptolemy is fantastic.
Its so nice to see a real life Ptolemy. I really loved it, but had 3 girls, I always wondered how usable it was.
Wow, how thrilling! May I ask where you live (generally)?Gertie & Ellen is such a cute set.