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[Games] Re: Generation CAF
DH (87) Lewis Maxwell Larson, Sr.
DW (86) Lana Clementine [Bowman] LarsonDS1 (65) Lewis Maxwell Larson, Jr.
DD1 (63) Julia Alexandra [Larson] Shelton
DD2 (60) Naomi Aubrey [Larson] Lombardi
DS2 (50) Joel Rafferty Larson Lewis & Lana || Max, Julia, Naomi and Joel **DS1 (65) Lewis Maxwell Larson, Jr
DW (66) Polly Daphne [Welch] Larson DD (44) Etta Harlow [Larson] Fowler
- DH (44) John Raphael Fowler
- DD (20) Alayna Hope Fowler
- DD (18) Hattie Victoria Fowler
-- Dbf (19) Zion Parker Silva
-- DS (exp) Cooper Owen Fowler
- DS (15) Jonah Dominic Fowler
- DS (11) Levi Vincent Fowler
- DD (9) Ariella Isabel FowlerDD (42) Darcy Felicity Larson
- ExH (43) Robin Charles May
- DD (17) Georgia Abigail May
- DS (15) Luke Wilfred May
- DD (12) Anna Maddison MayDD (39) Lucy Beatrice Larson
- DW (34) Aisha Eloise Caldwell
- DD & DD (1) Nora Athena Caldwell-Lardon & Zoe Jasmine Caldwell-Lardon DS (30) Maxwell Lewis Larson
- Dgf (28) Autumn Hazel LoweMax & Polly || Etta, Darcy, Lucy and Maxwell
...JR & Etta || Alayna, Hattie, Jonah, Levi and Ariella
.....Zion & Hattie || Cooper
...Rob & Darcy || Georgia, Luke and Anna
...Lucy & Aisha || Nora and Zoe
...Maxwell & Autumn
**DD1 (63) Julia Alexandra [Larson] Shelton
DH (66) Jackson Beau SheltonDD (27) Amelie Summer Shelton
- Dfiance (32) Nathan Tobias McKinney
- DS (nb) Elias Austin McKinney Jackson & Julia || Amelie
...Nate & Amelie || Elias
**DD2 (60) Naomi Aubrey [Larson] Lombardi
ExH (60) Stanley Leon Holt DS (40) Michael Stanley Holt
- DW (39) Lyra Maria [Rhodes] Holt
- DS (20) Grayson Riley Holt
- DS (19) Felix Liam Holt
-- Dgf (19) Ophelia Elodie Vaughn
-- DS & DD (3m) Gabriel Dylan Holt & Chloe Elizabeth Holt
- DD (17) Thea Imogen Holt
- DS (14) Samuel Zachary Holt
- DD (12) Olive Layla Holt
- DD (9) Lottie Sophie Holt
- DD (4) Mabel Arabella HoltDS (38) Joseph Benjamin Holt
- ExW (38) Maeve Hallie [Parks] Holt
-- DD (14) Delilah Matilda Holt
-- DS (12) Benjamin Joseph Holt
- DW (34) Evie Charlotte [Guzman] Holt
-- DD (5) Mia Grace Holt
-- DD (3) Poppy Evelyn HoltDS (35) Ethan Harrison Holt
- ExGf (35) Florence Lyons
-- DD (18) Effie Olivia Lyons
- DH (33) Adam Hudson Sharp
-- DS (6) Roman James Sharp
-- DS (2) Isaac William SharpDH (58) Paolo Ettore LombardiDS (29) Armando Emilio Lombardi
- DW (29) Basira [Fadel] Lombardi
- DS (8) Bruno Salim Lombardi
- DS (6) Alessio Zahir Lombardi
- DS (3) Valentino Jabbar Lombardi
- DD (exp) Maddalena Amira Lombardi DS (26) Giovanni Piero Lombardi
- Dgf (24) Nola Skylar CrossStanley & Naomi || Mike, Joe and Ethan
...Mike & Lyra || Gray, Felix, Thea, Sam, Olive, Lottie and Mabel
.....Felix & Ophelia || Gabriel and Chloe
...Joe & Maeve || Delilah and Ben / Joe & Evie || Mia and Poppy
...Ethan & Florence || Effie / Ethan & Adam || Roman and Isaac
Paolo & Naomi || Armando & Gio
...Armando & Basira || Bruno, Alessio, Valentino and Maddalena
...Gio & NOLA
**DS2 (50) Joel Rafferty Larson
DW (48) Flora Vienna [Cohen] Larson DD (26) Pearl Faith Larson
- Dbf (29) Jacob Thomas Blair
- DD (exp) Vienna Florence Blair DS (23) Arlo Jude Larson
- DW (23) Miriam Amal [Ortega] Larson
- DD (3) Cecilia Everly Larson
- DD (nb) Sylvie Alina Larson DS (5) Theodore Henry Larson Joel & Flora || Pearl, Arlo and Teddy
...Jake & Pearl || Vienna
...Arlo & Miriam || Cecilia and Sylvie
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, Darling." - Inception
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