[Facts] Casimir/Kazimierz
Is there a particular reason why Kazimierz is listed as "Polish form of Casimir", when it is the original form?
The description under Casimir has the etymology and famous bearers, and states "English form of the Polish name Kazimierz". Wouldn't it make more sense for Kazimierz to have the etymology, and Casimir being only "English form of Kazimierz"?
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This is a valid point.In general I try to make the main entry the one that is most likely to be searched, as this will reduce the number of times people will have to click through different names to get the main definition. Checking the search statistics for last year, Casimir was searched 8x times more often than Kazimierz.
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That makes sense. Thank you for answering!
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This site in English biased, so it usually puts name information on the most common in anglosphere versions of the name. Similar to how the information about John is on John and not Ioannis even though Ioannis was the original name.
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