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[Opinions] Re: Common names
I've never met a Thomas with any variant. Of all form I like Toma most. Toma can be short name of Tamara but I like it as full name on boy too. I also like short name Tomek in Polish. Sean is variant of Ivan, I have met many people called Ivan and I have met people called Ivanna. Daniel I have met many in variants Daniil, Danylo, Danyil. Rebecca I never met or any variants, but I love Yiddish Rifka variant!Sarah is nice, I met 2 people called Sara but never with h. Lauren always sounds like male name to me. I never met any Laurens before, but I met kid called Lavrentiy before. I went to school with him in my old city. I like the name (Lavrentiy) but first thing that comes to mind is Beria... I like Lauren as well, it seem more male to me.

This message was edited 2/12/2025, 11:28 AM

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